Friday, 19 January 2018

فوركس تجارة غير قانونية ، في باكستان ، tresemme

31 ديسمبر 2018 الفيسبوك اضطر لإسقاط معيبة خاص السنة الجديدة التطبيق بعد أسبوع تقريبا من الفيسبوك أطلقت رسالتها السنة الجديدة ميزة، كان موقع التواصل الاجتماعي يوم الاثنين اضطر إلى إسقاط التطبيق بعد أفلاو التي سمحت لأي شخص أن يرى وحتى حذف الرسائل الشخصية المقصود للاخرين. الإضراب من قبل موظفي بنك الاحتياطي الإسترليني مؤجل قرر المنتدى المتحدة لموظفي ضباط الاحتياط والموظفين لتأجيل الغد الإضراب المقترح على الصعيد الوطني. وقال وزير التجارة مخدوم امين فهيم انه بعد تأخر وضع الدولة الاولى بالرعاية الى الهند فان باكستان قد ارجأت منح وضع الدولة الاكثر تفضيلا للهند مع الغاء نظام قائمة التجارة السلبية فى وقت قصير بسبب التحفظات التى عبرت عنها عدة صناعات. نمو القطاع الأساسي يتباطأ إلى 1.8 في تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر انخفض معدل نمو ثماني صناعات قطاعية أساسية إلى 1.8 في المائة في تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر، من 7.8 في المائة في الشهر نفسه من العام الماضي، بسبب انخفاض إنتاج الفحم والغاز الطبيعي والأسمنت. الحكومة تقدم 17 كتلة من الفحم إلى وحدات المعاينة الأولية بدء عملية تخصيص مناجم الفحم، دعت الحكومة يوم الاثنين مقترحات وحدات معاينة أولية لتخصيص 17 قطعة منها، معظمها لمحطات الطاقة الأسيرة. الحظر على التعدين: قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات يأخذ ضريبة بقيمة 3000 روبية في وزارة الضرائب ضريبة الدخل تصل إلى 3000 كرور روبية في تحصيل الضرائب في أعقاب الحظر الذي فرضته المحكمة العليا على نشاط التعدين في كارناتاكا وغوا، وفقا لما ذكره مسؤول كبير في قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات. 2018: سنة مليئة بالتحديات لصناعة االتصاالت تعمل الحكومة على الجولة الثانية من مزادات الطيف والتحركات المرتكزة على العمالء مثل التجوال الوطني المجاني إلعادة بناء قطاع االتصاالت، متأثرة بالجدل وأحكام المحاكم التي هزت ثقة المستثمرين. أكاش-2 ليأتي محملة التطبيق أكثر من 200 من المعلمين والطلاب كانوا يعملون على مدى الأشهر الستة الماضية إلى ميناء جميع المشاريع التي تم تطويرها في إطار البعثة الوطنية في مجال التعليم من خلال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات على مدى السنوات الثلاث الماضية على أكاش -2. وستكون الرحلات القادمة من دلهي أرخص من 1 يناير سوف تخرج الرحلة من دلهي أرخص من يوم الثلاثاء، مع رسوم التطوير (دف) التي يتقاضاها مشغل مطار إيجي هنا يتم تخفيضها 100 روبية لالمحلية و روبية 700 للركاب الدولي. ويبرو يحصلون على المساهمين يعلقون على الانكماش وقال ويبرو يوم الاثنين ان مساهميها وافقوا على خطط الشركة لخلع الأعمال غير تكنولوجيا المعلومات إلى الذراع غير المدرجة. اثنان من الأحداث التي تقرر مصير أسواق الأسهم في عام 2018 مع الحكومة البقاء على قيد الحياة في الدورة الشتوية والإصلاحات المطلوبة في مكان، واثنين من الأحداث تقرر حركة الأسواق - نتيجة الجرف المالي الأمريكي وموقف بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي على خفض سعر الفائدة. قد تحبهم أو تكرههم، لكنك لا تستطيع تجاهلها. لماذا يمكن للبيروقراطيين اتخاذ قرارات أفضل في عام 2018 أدت الفضائح التي ظهرت في عام 2018 إلى جعل الوزراء والبيروقراطيين حذرين من اتخاذ أي قرار. وكانوا يخشون أن يتورطوا في جدل في وقت لاحق. ومع ذلك، يبدو أن هذا التغيير آخذ في التغير. هل التقيت راتان تاتا تخبرنا راتان تاتا تقاعد رئيسا لمجموعة 100 تاتا في 28 ديسمبر، عيد ميلاده ال 75. ارتقاء الاقتصاد: الاقتصاد لاستعادة معدل نموه في وقت سابق من شأن الإصلاحات الأخيرة أن تعزز اقتصاد الهند وستستعيد قريبا معدل النمو السابق. لماذا تحتاج الحكومة إلى التركيز على التصنيع بشكل عاجل ما لم يصبح التصنيع محرك النمو، وتوفير ما لا يقل عن 70 مليون وظيفة إضافية، سيكون من الصعب على الهند أن تكون شاملة للجميع. العالمين خمسة رؤساء التنفيذيين التكنولوجيا لمشاهدة في عام 2018 رؤساء أبل، ومايكروسوفت و هب، إنفوسيس و ويبروس تكنولوجيا المعلومات سوف يكون مراقبة بدقة. الصور: أغلى السيارات التي تباع في المزادات في عام 2018 دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض من أغلى السيارات التي تباع في المزادات في عام 2018. الصور: خمسة الهواتف الذكية للبحث عن في عام 2018 12 كان عاما العمل معبأة للهواتف الذكية في الهند. الحكومة قد لا تكون قادرة على طرح ضريبة السلع والخدمات قبل 2018 استطلاعات اللجان الفرعية اثنين، التي أنشأتها الحكومة لحل قضايا التعويض للدول عن خسارة الإيرادات بسبب انخفاض في ضريبة المبيعات المركزية والتصميم النهائي لل غست، هي ومن المرجح أيضا أن تفوت الموعد النهائي 31 ديسمبر. بناء العلامة التجارية تاتاس: حكاية دائرية سجل تاتاس سجل في بناء العلامة التجارية تم التحقق من مجموعة سخرية ولا يزال لها وجود قوي إلى حد ما في الشركات التي تواجه المستهلكين. الخبز والزبدة، وليس الفساد، والتركيز من الهنود البلاد المزاج في نهاية عام 2018 يختلف اختلافا كبيرا عن ذلك في نهاية عام 2018. أكثر من 3 من وحدات الطاقة لديها أقل من 7 أيام الفحم وأظهرت أحدث الأرقام 34 من محطات الطاقة 90 الهند كانت تعمل على مخزونات الفحم الحرجة. كفا الطيارين دبوس آمال على جوبيناث المشروع بعض الطيارين بالفعل على اتصال مع جوبيناث في حين يراهن آخرون على كينغفيشيرز إحياء. تاتا المجموعات أربعة الأحجار الكريمة قليلا ترينت، تاتا العالمية المشروبات، تيتان الصناعات وتاتا الكيميائية قد لا تكون كبيرة المساهمين في تاتا كيتي، ولكن هذه لا تزال كبيرة لقصة نموها. مشاريع الهند الكبرى التي تواجه بوتلنيكس سلسلة من المشاريع الضخمة التي واجهت اختناقات والتي لجنة مجلس الوزراء للاستثمارات لديها لمسح. 50 سهم يمكنك شراءها لعام 2018 فيما يلي قائمة بالأسهم التي تغطي مختلف القطاعات التي توصي بها شركات الوساطة ودور البحوث في جميع أنحاء البلاد لعام 2018. 30 ديسمبر 2018 بسنل، فشلت شركة متنل في استخدام معظم أموال الحكومة خلال السنة المالية 2018 - 12، كانت متنل قادرة على استخدام 14.66 في المائة فقط من تقديرات الميزانية، في حين أن نل سجلت أداء أفضل، وفقا لتقرير اللجنة الدائمة المعنية بتكنولوجيا المعلومات. الاقتصاد الممتاز يأخذ الجناح بين النشرات الهندية المقصورة الاقتصاد قسط هو الحصول على شعبية بين المسافرين جوا من الهند. دجسا إلى كفا: ضمان أموال المجموعة وب سيتم إلغاء تعليق الترخيص فقط بعد أن يقتنع أصحاب المصلحة من خطة إحياء شركات الطيران، ويقول المصادر. الخدمات المصرفية غير المصرفية: البنوك الخاصة تنضم إلى الذروة كان مجرد التزام في الماضي، ولكن الاندماج المالي تحولت الآن إلى فرصة تجارية كبيرة للبنوك الخاصة. أبل لإسقاط مطالبات براءات الاختراع ضد سامسونج الهاتف الجديد سامسونج قال غالاكسي S إي ميني واسنت المتاحة للبيع في سوق الولايات المتحدة الحرجة 29 ديسمبر 2018 البنوك البنغالية على سايروس لسينجور اختراق وزير الصناعة تلميحات في دعوة ميستري إلى الاجتماع الصناعي السنوي القادم. الصين تمرير قانون جديد لتشديد الضوابط على الإنترنت يجعل من الضروري للمستخدمين تسجيل بأسماءهم الحقيقية مع مقدمي الخدمات. الحكومة لا ينبغي أن تدخل البث: تراي وقال أيضا إذا كان قد سمح بالفعل بعض الهيئات الحكومة للدخول في الأعمال التجارية، يجب على الحكومة المركزية توفير الطريق الخروج المناسب. راتان تاتا بفضل روح مدهشة من الموظفين وهذا هو أيضا آخر مرة أن أكتب لك قبل تقاعدي رئيسا لمجموعة تاتا وأريد أن أنقل لكم كيف امتياز لقد كان لديك الفرصة لقيادة هذا عظيم وقال تاتا ان المجموعة على مدى العقدين الماضيين من خلال الاوقات الجيدة والسيئة. ديسمبر 28، 2018 فيديو: كما راتانتاتا يتقاعد، عصر يأتي إلى نهايته تم استعد ميستري لتهمة من قبل تاتا لمدة عام. كان راتان تاتا قائدا رائعا: الهند إنك راتان تاتا، وهو زعيم الشركات الشهير، تقاعد رئيسا لمجموعة 100 تاتا يوم الجمعة بعد 50 عاما، في عيد ميلاده ال 75. كان الرجل الذى جعل مجموعة تاتا مائة مليار إمبير راتان تاتا، وهو زعيم بارز فى الشركة، قد تقاعد كرئيس لمجموعة تاتا بعد 50 عاما من تشغيله يوم الجمعة ولكنه ابتعد عن منصبه فى اليوم الاخير له على رأس احدى اقدم الشركات فى البلاد. الإمبراطوريات. تاتا، الذي تحول 75 اليوم، هو في بيون لعيد ميلاده. الطرق السريعة التي ضربت حواجز الطرق في عام 2018 في مقابل الهدف المتمثل في منح 800 8 كيلومتر من الطرق السريعة خلال الفترة 2018-2018، يمكن للحكومة الحصول على عقود لا تتجاوز 1100 كم في الأرباع الثلاثة الأولى من السنة المالية. 18 الناس الذين ذهبوا من الفقر إلى الثروة هناك بعض الناس الذين يولدون الأغنياء ثم هناك بعض الذين يصبحون غنياء. هل تخطط تشيدامبارامز لإنشاء بنوك كبيرة ممكنة سيساعد التوحيد البنوك على تحقيق وفورات الحجم، ولكن التكامل لن يكون سهلا. راتان تاتا تيتان هادئة: لورد كومار بهاتشاريا وقد نجح لأنه كان يعرف أن هناك حاجة إلى تحول كبير في الابتكار والقدرة رامبد. صور نادرة تكشف بداية رحلة راتان تاتاس نحن نلقي لقطة من حياته اللامع من خلال عدسة المصور غوبال شيتي. لماذا سيبي حظرت سابقا تاتا المالية مد من السوق ندعها مصادفة - كما راتان تاتا تستعد لتسليم عصا من أبناء تاتا ل سايروس ميستري، سيبي حظر ديليب بيندز، مد السابق للتمويل تاتا السابق من سوق رأس المال لفترة من عامين. ما الذي يجعل راتان تاتا لتحقيق سوبر راتان تاتا حققت التغيير والنجاح، بكرامة. 2018: عام مضطرب للطيران الهندي لم يكن الإبحار السلس لصناعة الطيران الهندية في عام 2018 كما رأى أسس الخطوط الجوية كينغفيشر والمشكلة المالية التي تصل طيران الهند وغيرها من شركات الطيران إلى جانب المرموقة 500 مليون المطار ترقية عقد عقد من قبل الرائدة شركة إنفيرا الهندية التي تم إنهاؤها من قبل حكومة المالديف. راتان تاتا و ديسيبل سوغفيستس عالية طوال فترة عقده طويلة من الزمن رئيسا، تاتا لم تتخل أبدا عن أي الخصم أو الشدائد. حصريا: راتان تاتا، من قبل شخص يعرفه جيدا عدد قليل من الناس يعرفون راتان تاتا وكذلك R K كريشنا كومار لا. ويعتبر كريشنا كومار، الذي ينظر إليه على نطاق واسع ليكون من بين المديرين الأقرب إلى تاتا، راتان تاتا، الرجل ورجل الأعمال، في هذه المقابلة الحصرية لريديفس. قصة مذهلة لكاتان تاتا بناء الإمبراطورية راتان تاتا خلق الهند أول مجموعة عمل متعددة الجنسيات حقا. بينما يستعد للتنحي، أثيرت الحانات السماء العالية لخليفته. سبيشيال: تاتاس النتيجة العالمية: 50-50 في حين أن لجنة التحكيم لا يزال خارجا على كيف فعلت تاتا في مشاريعه العالمية، والحقيقة هي أنها كانت جريئة، ولكن ليس بالضرورة جميلة. الفرص التي راتان تاتا ميسد تاتا سوف تشعر بالتأكيد جيدة حول العديد من مبادراته، ولكن هناك شركات التي لم تنجح اعتبارا من اليوم. بعض منها تشمل السيارات المحلية الأعمال، الصيدلانية، والاتصالات. ل راتان تاتا، الحياة بيجينز في 75 على عكس سلفه، جرد تاتا، الذي في عام 1991 سلم له رئاسة أبناء تاتا وكذلك السيطرة على صناديق الثقة، وسوف تستمر راتان في الاحتفاظ بالسيطرة على الأخير. لماذا تعهد أبناء تاتا بقيمة 2،600 روبية من الأسهم اكتشفوا لماذا تعهد أبناء تاتا بتقديم 11 مليون سهم في تاتا موتورز و 10 مليون سهم في تاتا ستيل و 15 مليون في تاتا كونسولتانسي سيرفيسز مع سينترال بانك فينانسيال سيرفيسز Ltd. إكسلوسيف الحقيقة حول روسي مودي راتان تاتا سبات مودي شغل مناصب هامة في مجموعة تاتا وقاد تاتا ستيل حتى تقاعد في أوائل 1990s. ما هو رئيس تاتا الجديد يحب و هاتس سايروس بالونجي ميستري، 43، حاليا نائب رئيس أبناء تاتا كان مديرا لأبناء تاتا منذ عام 2006. صور: رحلة من انتصارات راتان تاتاس والمحاكمات أن أقول أن راتان تاتا يترك وراء إرث ضخم من شأنه أن يشكل تخفيضا فادحا. 27 ديسمبر 2018 لماذا من المنطقي بدء الاستثمار المبكر بالنسبة لمعظم الناس، قد لا يكون الاستثمار حتى على قائمة الأولويات عند بدء حياتهم المهنية. بترو، يجب أن تكون أسعار الطاقة مرتفعة: رئيس الوزراء مانموهان سينغ يوم الخميس جعلت قضية قوية ل كوتفاسدكوت رفع أسعار المنتجات النفطية والفحم والطاقة كما هي كوتوندربريسدكوت تحذير من أن عدم السيطرة على الدعم سيؤدي إلى خفض الإنفاق الخطة. لماذا تاتا الطاقة هو التحدي الكبير ل ميستري الشركة في عاصفة مالية، كما أكبر استثمار، على 4000 ميجاوات موندرا الترا ميجا الطاقة مشروع (أومب) لم يذهب وفقا للنص. التخطيط لشراء منزل الحلم قراءة. امتلاك منزل هو حلم بالنسبة لمعظمنا وبفضل خطط القروض المنزلية المتنوعة المتاحة لجعل هذا الحلم حقيقة واقعة. يمكن رفع أسعار الكيروسين بمقدار 10 ليتر روبية يمكن رفع أسعار الديزل بمقدار 10 روبية لكل لتر على مدى فترة 10 أشهر، كما ارتفعت أسعار الكيروسين بنفس الكمية على مدى العامين المقبلين إذا تم قبول اقتراح في وزارة النفط. الاستثمار في البلاتين وهنا بعض النصائح في حين أن الاستثمار في الذهب والفضة قد تم، وهناك طريق استثمار آخر الذي يتفتح منذ السنوات القليلة الماضية هو المعدن النبيل أو البلاتين. الأسهم تطفو على الذهب بريق مع ارتفاع قوي الذهب قد تألق مشرق للمستثمرين لسنوات عديدة، ولكن عام 2018 شهد الأسهم الهندية طغت لمعان المعادن الصفراء مع عائدات أكثر من 25 في المائة. توسعت بطاقة بان إلى مناطق غير تقليدية أهمية بطاقة رقم الحساب الدائم نمت على مر السنين. عرضت سيلفر عوائد أعلى من الذهب في عام 2018 تفوقت الفضة على الذهب في عام 2018 في الأسواق المحلية والدولية على طلب المستثمرين المستأنفين وسط توقعات من انتعاش النشاط الصناعي العالمي. راتان تاتا للتقاعد غدا، سايروس ميستري لنجاحه بمناسبة تغيير الأجيال، وتاتا، الذي يبلغ من العمر 75، غدا، تسليم مقاليد المجموعة إلى سايروس ميستري البالغ من العمر 44 عاما، الذي تم اختياره خلفه العام الماضي وعين رسميا في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر. مبيعات فاترة، وقضايا العمالة بمناسبة سنة تقريبية لصناعة السيارات بداية مع بانج وسط كل الواجهة وبريق من معرض السيارات لمدة سنتين، فإن العام سوف تنتهي مع هيمس لصناعة السيارات مع تضاؤل ​​المبيعات، وأسوأ من أي وقت مضى العنف الصناعي إلى، ماروتي، سوزوكيس، مانيزار، أسس، الإجازات، أداة تعريف إنجليزية غير معروفة، الجدير بالذكر أن الزيادة الكبيرة في أسعار مزارع المزرعة المتضررة من الجفاف في عام 2018 بلغت نحو 1 تريليون روبية (1 تريليون روبية) في مجال الائتمان الزراعي المستهدف إلى 5.75 كرور روبية (5.75 تريليون روبية) كانت تسليط الضوء على القطاع في عام 2018، في حين أن استمرار انتحار المزارعين وتقارير لجنة برلمانية ولجنة تعين المحكمة العليا توصي بحظر التجارب الميدانية في المحاصيل المعدلة وراثيا كانت نكسات. لماذا هؤلاء المديرين التنفيذيين سوف غراب عناوين العام المقبل بعض منهم لديهم خطط طموحة لمكافحة التباطؤ، في حين أن البعض يسعى لإحياء صورتهم. متى سوف تحصل مومباي على مونورايل الضخم تم تأجيل إطلاق أول امتداد لمشاريع السكك الحديدية الأحادية في مومباي المرحلة الأولى مرة أخرى، وهذه المرة إلى أغسطس 2018. الأشياء المذهلة الأمير السعودي يريد في سوبيرجومبو الوليد بن طلال يقال إنفاق 500 مليون على كامل A380 مخصصة من ايرباص. الموظفون الهنديون الأكثر تفاؤلا بشأن الاقتصاد في عام 2018 الموظفين الهندي الأكثر تفاؤلا بشأن الاقتصاد في عام 2018 الموظفين الهندي هم الأكثر تفاؤلا بشأن اقتصاد البلاد حيث يعتقد 83 في المئة من القوى العاملة أن الوضع سوف تتحسن في السنة الجديدة، وفقا لدراسة. كيف ومتى يمكن تجنب الخصومات تس لا يوجد معدل موحد للخصم تس. اعتمادا على مصدر الأرباح، ويمكن أن تتراوح من 1 عائدات بيع إلى 30. بيهار هي الدولة الأسرع نموا، وتراجعات ولاية غوجارات في تحول كبير، وظهرت بيهار باعتبارها الدولة الأسرع نموا في البلاد مع الرقم 10.9 في المائة، تجاوزت ولاية غوجارات التي انخفض نموها. الصين تفتح عوالم أطول خط السكك الحديدية عالية السرعة فتحت الصين أطول خط السكك الحديدية عالية السرعة في العالم. كلاسيكية فيراري لتصبح عوالم أغلى سيارة مذهلة 250 غ سوب برلينيتا كومبيتيزيون هي واحدة من 74 نماذج فقط التي بناها صانع السيارات الإيطالية. 2018s معظم الأدوات والعتاد مكثفة دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض من أغلى الأدوات والعتاد أطلقت في عام 2018. الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر الحكومة الجائعة توافق على مطالب إيكاس فيب المرجح أن تسمح المقاهي والمطاعم في استعراضها للموافقة المشروطة في 31 ديسمبر كانون الاول. الهند الأكثر إسراف صفقات عقارية في عام 2018 دعونا نلقي نظرة على خمس صفقات العقارات الأكثر تكلفة في عام 2018. الصور: 6 السيارات الفاخرة بأسعار معقولة في العامين الماضيين، وقد تطورت قطاع السيارات الفاخرة بشكل كبير والطلب على سيارات السيدان الفاخرة والفخمة وسيارات الدفع الرباعي قد ازداد بسرعة . 26 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2018 رزم الدفع السهلة إغراء الطيارين لمنظمة العفو الدولية إلى غولف لوريد من قبل حزم الأجور الدهنية وظروف العمل كوبيتيركوت، الناقل العلم الطيارين الهند الهند يأخذون رحلة إلى شركات الطيران الخليجية مما يؤدي إلى نقص حاد في القادة. تعرف كل شيء عن نظام اقتطاع الشيكات الهند عمليات ما يصل الى 1.2 مليار الشيكات سنويا، وبالتالي، فإن تنفيذ هذا النظام خفض بشكل كبير من فترة الانتظار المعنية. وسيتم تنفيذ هذا النظام على الصعيد الوطني اعتبارا من 1 يناير. سنة مثيرة للمصارف في عام 2018 م مهدت الموافقة على مشروع قانون تعديل القوانين المصرفية الذي طال انتظاره من قبل البرلمان حتى نهاية عام 2018 الطريق لتعزيز المساحة المصرفية وقد ترى دخول لاعبين جدد و وعمليات الدمج والاستحواذ في القطاع في العام المقبل. المستثمرون يقومون بقتل في المصارف والخدمات المالية المتعددة الوسائط (مفغ) إن صناديق الاستثمار في صناديق الاستثمار المشترك التي تستثمر فقط في قطاعات مثل البنوك والمنتجات الاستهلاكية سريعة الحركة قد برزت أعلى أداء في فئات المنتجات في عام 2018. ولكن هذه المخططات تواجه تحديات شديدة لتكرار هذا الأداء المتفوق في 2018. أكبر معارك قانونية للشركات في عام 2018 هزيمة صارمة لمجموعة صحارى، رقابة صارمة على أنشطة التعدين وتخليص التراخيص ل 2 G الطيف هيمنت على المعركة القانونية للشركات في عام 2018 في المحكمة العليا التي أعطت انتصارا حاسما للاتصالات فودافون الرئيسية في روبية 11،000 كرور ضريبة القضية. على وجه الخصوص: السيد فم، وهذا هو ما يجب عليك القيام به في عام 2018 الهند لديها ارتفاع وارتفاع العجز في الحساب الجاري بدلا من عجز مالي فائض يتجاوز بكثير أي شيء قريب من الحكمة وأرقام التضخم قد كشفت الهند باعتبارها خارجا محرجا بين بلدان الأسواق الناشئة. احترس من عمالقة تكنولوجيا المعلومات، إنفي للحصول على العدوانية على التسعير وقد حاولت الشركة لفترة طويلة للحفاظ على أسعاره وهوامش، حتى لو كان قد ضرب النمو. ويبدو أن هذا يتغير. في لقاء المحللين مؤخرا، لاحظ العديد من الإدارة تحولت أخيرا العدوانية على التسعير لدفع النمو الحجم. صورة كئيبة للسكك الحديدية التي تعاني من ضائقة مالية في عام 2018 كانت سنة مضطربة بالنسبة للسكك الحديدية كوزارة تعاني من أزمة مالية شهدت أربعة وزراء في تتابع سريع، مما أدى إلى التردد والتأخير في عملية صنع السياسات. هو تحول المد للعقارات تحول المحللون صعودا بعد نجاح بعض عمليات الإطلاق الكبيرة وإحياء مبيعات المنازل. هناك تفاؤل بشأن تخفيضات أسعار الفائدة من قبل بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي (ربي) والأمل في انخفاض التضخم الذي قد يجدد اهتمام المشترين بالعقارات في الأشهر المقبلة. الترتيب: السيارات التي تعطي أصحاب أعلى رضا هنا هي السيارات التي لديها معظم أصحاب راض. صنع فريق تاتاس استأجرت تاتا أفضل المواهب من جميع أنحاء العالم كما رأى في وقت مبكر أن البقاء على قيد الحياة في أعقاب التحرير الاقتصادي، تحتاج الشركات الهندية للذهاب العالمية واعتماد أفضل الممارسات. أقنعة النجاح جلرز تاتا موتورز فيليور في الماضي، أعطى تاتا موتورز الهند العديد من أول سيارة من نوعه في البلد الأول (تاتا إنديكا)، أول سيارة رياضية (سفاري)، أول شاحنة صغيرة (إيس) أو سيارة 100000 روبية للمواطن العادي (نانو). بعد الحصول على جلرس، ومع ذلك، فقد فشلت الشركة في التواصل مع المشترين السيارات الهندية. 24 أسماء النطاقات الأكثر إسهاما في العالم يتيح إلقاء نظرة على بعض من أسماء النطاقات أغلى في كل العصور. منظمة العفو الدولية يجعل محاولة واحدة أخرى ل سوار يحسن حصة السوق ولكن المنافسين يتفوق في نمو الإيرادات والأداء في الوقت المحدد. مشروع مامبمز رس 1800-كر الذي يواجه التأخير بسبب مشاكل الأرض قد تن تفقد تينها قبضتها على خطة الاستثمار الإجمالية 4000 روبية - كر بسبب هذا التأخير. 25 ديسمبر 2018 رفع دعوى قضائية ضد إنستاغرام على تغييرات العقد إنستاجرام يأخذ حقوقه العقارية للعملاء في حين عزل نفسها من جميع المسؤولية، ويقول الدعوى. صور مذهلة تظهر معالجة القهوة في السلفادور دعونا نلقي نظرة على كيفية معالجة القهوة وشحنها في السلفادور. الصور: عالم مدهش من مهندس معماري برازيلي برازيلي أوسكار نيمير كان واحدا من الشخصيات الرئيسية في تطوير الهندسة المعمارية الحديثة. صور: جديد E - كلاس مرسيدس قريبا إلى الهند تخطط مرسيدس لاتخاذ فاسيليفتيد الفئة E العودة إلى جذورها. الصور: 10 الساعات الأكثر تكلفة في العالم هناك ساعات من شأنها أن تجعل ثقب أكبر في الجيب من شراء قصر. 8 الهنود من بين أفضل المدراء التنفيذيين في العالم أفضل ثمانية المديرين التنفيذيين الهنود جعلت من قائمة أفضل 100 المديرين التنفيذيين العالميين أداء، التي جمعتها هارفارد بيزنس ريفيو (هر). رانباكسيس ليبيتور عامة قد تفوت ديك الموعد النهائي لم تكن قادرة على الوفاء بالموعد النهائي حتى الآن، على الرغم من التحقيق في هذه المسألة قد انتهت، وقالت المصادر. الصور: كيف يتم استخراج الماس بشكل غير قانوني المثلث الذي يربط فنزويلا والبرازيل وغيانا يجذب عددا كبيرا من المنقبين عن الذهب والماس غير الشرعيين الذين يحلمون بتغيير حياتهم بين عشية وضحاها من خلال إيجاد بونانزا ضخمة. قريبا، يمكن أن تكون الهواتف الذكية مفاتيح سيارتك يستخدم نظام هيونديديس اللاسلكية تكنولوجيا الاتصالات الميدانية القريبة، مما يتيح لقفل، وفتح السيارة. لوفتهانزا كانسيلز إنديا رحلات جوية حتى 1 يناير تسحب شركة الطيران الألمانية الرحلات بسبب انخفاض الحجوزات. 24 ديسمبر 2018 الصور: تحقق من ميتسوبيشيس الضخم باجيرو ميتسوبيشيس أحدث باجيرو لديها أكثر من ذلك من الجينات رالي. لماذا كان العام 2018 حافلا بالبيع بالتجزئة بدأ العام على مذكرة قاتمة لهذا القطاع، مع التأثير المستمر للقرار لتعليق استرخاء الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في التجزئة في عام 2018. لماذا الهند تحتاج أكثر راتان تاتاس هو الهندي الأكثر شهرة الزعيم الذي تظهر قيمه الداخلية وأعماله الخارجية مستوى أعلى من القيادة المسؤولة. رحان تاتاس رحلة ملهمة: عدي غودريج قليل من رجال الأعمال تثبت الحماس الذي يفعله للابتكار في الجزء السفلي من الهرم، ويقول عدي غودريج. الصور: 18 أكبر العلامات التجارية الاستهلاكية في العالم وقد حددت سيتي كوتورلد تشامبيونسكوت من القطاع الاستهلاكي المستهلك. أخبار جيدة: الأسواق يمكن أن تعطي 14 عائدات في CY13 كما الإصلاحات ودورة سعر الفائدة مواتية، يمكننا أن نرى المزيد من التحسينات في نمو الأرباح وإعادة تصنيف السوق. كيف ساعدت تسس راتان تاتا في نمو إمبراطوريته بغض النظر عن رؤيته، ما ساعد راتان تاتا في تحقيق أحلامه العالمية كان النجاح الهائل لخدمات تاتا الاستشارية، والتي يملكها 74٪ من أبناء تاتا. تاتا موتورز تعمل على سيارات الدفع الرباعي الصغيرة، وتجديد نانو العميق في تاتا موتورز أكبر مصنع والمهندسين دون نظارات 3D للعب مع تصاميم السيارات والنماذج المتوقعة من شاشة الكمبيوتر 10 متر واسعة. سعيهم لصناعة السيارات القادم اقبال نموذج السيارة. يزور بوتين الهند اليوم قضية سيستيما حول جدول اعمال صفقة الدفاع، ومن المحتمل ايضا ان تكون هناك اتفاقيات تجارية واستثمارية رئيسية اخرى. سايروس ميستري يمكن أن تصل إلى الأرض سايروس ميستري، الذي يتولى قيادة مجموعة تاتا هذا الجمعة، لا داعي للقلق حول الويكيت. مع فريق يضم بعض الهند أفضل قادة الشركات - كل اختار بعناية من قبل سلفه - ميستري يمكن بالتأكيد ضرب على الأرض. مشروع خطة 12 يقترح تجارة الطيف يجتمع مجلس التنمية الوطنية لمناقشة هذا الأسبوع المقبل. كيف يمكن للهند أن تنمو مثل الصين مقابلة مع أستاذ، جامعة ستانفورد. الصور: 25 وجهة رئيسية للاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في العالم تسعى البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم لجذب الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر. راتان تاتا إعادة تشكيل دنا تاتا: راهول باجاج حقيقة أن راتان تاتا يتقاعد في 75 يتحدث كميات من التزامه لإدارة شركات تاتا من خلال القيم، ويقول. 23 ديسمبر 2018 ايكيا قد تدخل الهند مع مجموعة منتجات مخفضة لذلك، فإن المعركة هي للمقهى والمطعم واللحوم السويدية الكرة اللذيذة تعرف ايكيا، إلى جانب متاجر الأثاث. أدف لم يتغير في مطار مومباي يحدد منظم فترة الاسترداد حتى أبريل 2021. 22 ديسمبر 2018 الإيجارات تذهب من خلال السقف في مواقع شارع العليا في بنغالور، مومباي سجل أكثر من 50 في المائة زيادة. وقال سيبي ربي إن عقود التأجير الذهبية يمكن أن تصل إلى تيتان خلال فترة الإيجار في 90 يوما تحت مسار الاستيراد المباشر. خطط الحكومة خطة التأمين الضمان الاجتماعي الخطة الاستشارية الوطنية دفعت اللجنة قد تكون جزءا من الميزانية 2018-14. نفيديا، إيت التعاون لتطوير العملاق وقد اقترح الحكومة استثمارات كبيرة لرفع مستوى البنية التحتية الحوسبة الفائقة وتطوير الحواسيب الفائقة. 21 كانون الأول / ديسمبر 2018 بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي (ربي) يحتفظ بالغطاء على التضخم إن البنك المركزي يكافح من أجل ذلك، بعد إطلاق سياسة توسعية شائكة بعد أزمة ليمان. ستيف جوبز اليخوت الفاخرة المحجوزة على فاتورة غير المدفوعة وظائف، الذي توفي العام الماضي بعد جعل اسمه وثروة في أبل، لم تحصل على استخدام اليخت - دعا فينوس - ولكن قد كلف المصمم الفرنسي للعمل على السفينة، والتي تكلف أكثر من 100 مليون يورو لبناء. تحقق: لماذا بعض الشركات متعددة الجنسيات تبلغ عن انخفاض الأرباح منذ الحكومة خففت القواعد في عام 2008، العديد من الشركات متعددة الجنسيات قد ضغطت الأسلحة المحلية، وترك القليل للمستثمرين الصغيرة. سوق العمل لرؤية التوظيف متواضعة، 10 رفع الأجور المرجح بعد أن بقيت في الغالب الراكدة في عام 2018 بسبب التباطؤ الاقتصادي العالمي، ومن المتوقع أن ينمو فقط بوتيرة متواضعة في العام المقبل، على الرغم من أن لا يزال أفضل من البلدان الأخرى، في حين أن أداء عالية يمكن نتطلع إلى دفع ارتفاع بنسبة 10-15 في المائة في عام 2018. أكثر من 100 حالة من حالات الاحتيال المشتبه بها لتجاوز إلى عام 2018 ماندارينز وزارة الشؤون المؤسسية، برئاسة وزير الشباب، لديها سنة مشغول المقبلة، لأنها سوف تواجه أكثر من 100 في انتظار قضايا التحقيق في الاحتيال المشتبه به تفيض من عام 2018، والنظر في إصلاح الطريقة التي تعمل الشركات وتنظم. الفساد في الهند مقلقة ارتفاع الفساد الشركات في الهند ليس فقط عن رشوة البيروقراطيين لتجاوز القوانين حول الاحتيال المحاسبية، والرشاوى والجرائم السيبرانية. كيف فاز راتان تاتا معارك ضد الزمر راتان تاتا قد تأكد من خلافه لن تضطر إلى معركة الزمر داخل المجموعة - على عكس تجربته الخاصة بعد تولى. الصور: أكبر 25 دولة منتجة للألمنيوم الألومنيوم هو ثالث أكثر العناصر وفرة (بعد الأكسجين والسيليكون)، وأكثر المعادن وفرة، في قشرة الأرض. إندياس 30 بيجست كومبانيز، أوك إس No.1. في قائمة فورتشن 500 للشركات الهندية، تمتلك 83 شركة، و 370 شركة تابعة للقطاع الخاص و 47 مملوكة للأجانب. هل يتم تداول الذهب بعد 12 عاما من المكاسب كل السلبيات التي ساهمت في تشغيل الثور الذهب، مثل الجرف المالي الأمريكي وأزمة منطقة اليورو آخذة في الانخفاض. ويعتقد بعض الخبراء أن أيام مكاسب سهلة جدا، عندما كنت قد مجرد شراء الذهب، عقد، ونرى ارتفاع 10، 11، 12 في المئة كل عام قد انتهت. هل وجد ماروتي حلا لمشاكل العمل بعد أن تعرض لخسائر كبيرة بسبب موجة من الاحتجاجات العنيفة من قبل العمال منذ عام 2018، فإن الشركة تضع تدابير لمنع تكرارها. إيمان في الهند، ويقول رئيس شركة جنرال الكتريك الهند لدينا نمو الربحية 2018 سيكون ضعف معدل نمو الإيرادات: جون L فلانري الصور: 10 سيارات الدفع الرباعي أغلى في العالم هناك بعض سيارات الدفع الرباعي التي هي مكلفة جدا أن عدد قليل فقط يمكن تحملها. 2018: سنة مظلمة لقطاع الطاقة في الهند تذبذب بين الأمل في إمدادات الوقود واليأس من فشل الشبكة لفترات طويلة، كان في الغالب عام قاتم لقطاع الطاقة في عام 2018، لكنه يتطلع إلى أيام أكثر إشراقا في المستقبل تحت وزير جديد وشاب . كيف تستخدم جوجل رسومات الشعار المبتكرة لتكريم الفنانين استخدام غوغل من خربش للاحتفال الفنانين والأحداث أصبحت مشهورة جدا. نصيب المتدربين في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي في الهند قد يلمس 100 مليار سيزيد عدد مستخدمي الإنترنت في الهند من 120 مليون في الوقت الحاضر إلى 330 مليون بحلول عام 2018، وفقا لتقرير من قبل ماكينزي. المقامرة الجديدة ليلاس: سوف تنجح كابت C P كريشنان ناير، 90، وقد كان الدرب من نوع في الأعمال الفندقية. فيجايالاكشمي إير: بنك إندياس المنقذ إعادة البنك إلى مجده السابق سيكون أولوية قصوى لفيجايالاكشمي إير، وهو مصرفي محنك تولى منصب رئيس مجلس الإدارة والعضو المنتدب للبنك الذي مقره مومباي الشهر الماضي. موسم الأعياد فشل في يهتف تاتا نانو المبيعات واحد من الباعة نانو يضع 75 عاملا، والبعض الآخر على وضع الانتظار ومشاهدة. سحب الاستثمارات: أخيرا بعض الضوء في نهاية النفق حصل برنامج سحب الاستثمارات الذي لا يتعدى 30 ألف كرور روبية (300 مليار روبية) من الحكومة على دفعة قوية قرب نهاية العام. تاتاس اعتذار ومانموهان سينغز كبير القلب رئيس تاتا المجموعة راتان تاتا وقد وصفت بأنها تعليقات انتقادية كومكومبليتيلي أونترويكوت ضد رئيس الوزراء مانموهان سينغ نسبت له في مقابلة واعتذر عن حجج حرج. 20 ديسمبر 2018 لماذا يجب أن ننظر إلى الاستثمار في البنوك الخاصة القديمة ويعتقد المحللون أن الشركات الجديدة التي تدخل حيز البنوك سوف ننظر في الحصول على البنوك الخاصة القديمة. بعد هذا الرأي، كان هناك ارتفاع كبير في الأسهم المصرفية. الصور: 20 بلدا حيث الجراحة التجميلية تزدهر يتم تنفيذ الملايين من الإجراءات في جميع أنحاء العالم كل عام. هو المدركون حلم تشغيل أوفر على الرغم من النمو السريع في مناخ الأعمال المعاكس، والشائعات يلقي الشكوك حول مستقبلها. سبايس جيت، طائرة جيت تهمة أكثر للأمتعة الزائدة ومن المتوقع أن تحذو حذوها من شركات الطيران الأخرى. إنفوسيس بين 100 شركات الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية رئيسية في الصين هي الشركة الهندية الوحيدة لتلقي هذا الاعتراف، وشملت بسبب النمو القوي هناك. قريبا، يمكن للشخص واحد بدء شركة آخر الشركات بيل، رجال الأعمال لا تحتاج إلى البحث عن الأسرة لملء الفراغات. لماذا مشروع غمرز لم يكن جيدا لخطة المالديف غمر ليس فقط يضر الحكومة ماليا، كما هددت السياحة. 10 أشياء يجب أن تعرفها حول قانون الشركات قانون جديد يعطي المزيد من الأسنان للمساهم وتمكنه من اتخاذ إجراءات قانونية ضد شركة للاحتيال. حذار أعلى 12 احتيال من عيد الميلاد مكفي يعرض أكبر 12 احتيال عيد الميلاد أن المجرمين تخطط لاستخدامها ل مزق المستهلكين لأنها تسوق عبر الإنترنت هذا موسم العطلات. 19 ديسمبر 2018 الفساد: الموظفين رايلواي هي أسوأ تلقى أكثر من 8،800 شكوى من الكسب غير المشروع المزعوم ضد موظفي السكك الحديدية من قبل لجنة اليقظة المركزية في العام الماضي. لماذا سامسونج، أبل ليست قلقة بعد من نوكيا في وقت قريب جدا للمراهنة على أن نوكيس على الطريق إلى الانتعاش بعد هواتفها الذكية الجديدة ميا بيعت في العديد من المتاجر في جميع أنحاء أوروبا وأمريكا، كما يقول تجار التجزئة كانت الإمدادات قصيرة منذ إطلاقها. يجب عليك البقاء بعيدا عن الأسهم الآن كان ثلاث سنوات صعبة للمستثمرين التجزئة. ومع أن سينسكس لا يعطي سوى 4 في المائة من العائدات السنوية، أي أقل من معدل التضخم، فإنه من الصعب جدا الانتظار. وبالتالي فإن المستثمرين يحجزون الربح ويخرجون من الأسواق. هل يجب أن تقتصر إعانات الديزل على النقل العام فقط إذا كان دعم الديزل يمكن أن يقتصر على إدارة مركبات النقل العام ومجموعات المضخات الزراعية، فسيتوقف ذلك على استفادة أصحاب السيارات الخاصة، وكذلك من غيرهم من المتلقين غير المقصودين. الصور: هل سامسونج مقامرة انقر على الكاميرا الروبوت القائم على خلق ضجة. كيف تشتت المشاحنات السياسية محطة توليد الكهرباء أدى اكتشاف محطة الفحم كارانبورا غير المتوقع إلى وجود احتياطيات ضخمة من الفحم إلى وجود مواجهات بين وزارتي الفحم والطاقة. كولومن: بوابة دوهاس إلى أي مكان فشلت الهند تماما في التمسك بمصالحها الرئيسية في محادثات المناخ التي لم تصل إلى مهمتها التي استمرت 20 عاما. تريد الصناعة ديدي لجلب تاتاس مرة أخرى إلى سينغور أسوتشام تخطط لكتابة رسالة إلى رئيس وزراء بنغال الغربية، وطلب منها أن يعود تاتاس لاستعادة الثقة في الأعمال التجارية. Worlds 20 BEST airlines, Singapore Airlines is No. 1 Singapore Airlines bagged the first position for 17th year in a row. IMAGES: 7 most expensive imported cars in India For all car enthusiasts, heres a short encounter with the seven most expensive cars that can be imported into India. IMAGES: 20 most amazing skyscrapers in the world Lets have a look at 20 most amazing skyscrapers in the world. REVEALED: Fiats grand plans for India Its like Fiat India has just added a supercharger to its India strategy, after a long lull. The Italian carmaker plans to introduce nine products by 2018 in India. And it includes models from Jeep and rally car brand Abarth. December 18, 2018 Toyota fined 17.4 mn for delays in safety reports The US on Tuesday slapped a record 17.35 million fine on the worlds biggest automaker, Toyota Motor Corporation, for quotfailingquot to report safety defects to regulators within five days as required by federal law. Why industrial policy help for electronics is good Domestic supply of electronics is already less than half of domestic dem8743 and although it is growing at 16 per cent already, demand is growing much faster. SPIED: Chevrolet Enjoy MPV caught testing in Mumbai GM Indias MPV contender Chevrolet Enjoy has been in the spyshots spotlight for sometime now. When Rupee devaluation might be sensible Not at the moment, says FM almost never, says his advisor. iPhone 5 sales set a new RECORD in China Apple Incs new smartphone iPhone 5 sold more than two million handsets in China in the first three days after the launch, setting a new record in its second largest market. Sebi action can improve retail response to IPOs Retail investors shunned the Bharti Infratel initial public offering. RBI keeps key policy rates unchanged The Reserve Bank has kept the key policy rates unchanged in its Mid-Quarter Monetary Policy Review. 5 innovations from IBM that will change the world In about five years, you may be able to feel the touch of a Banarasi or a Kanjeevaram sari through your smartphone screen before buying it online, claims IBM. IMAGES: 10 countries with largest gold reserves World Gold Council estimates that central banks will have purchased 500 tonnes of gold in 2018. IMAGES: 20 best new startups and apps in the world Here are 20 of the best apps and startups that launched in 2018. Are refurbished electrical items any good Many of us would recoil at the thought of refurbished electronics, with many preferring to buy new items because we trust that nothing can go wrong with them, but refurbished does not always mean a resurrected defective product. Prices of these 28 cars have been SLASHED To clear the inventory, nearly all car manufacturers are flaunting the discount banner at their respective outlets. Why Ratan Tata LIKES West Bengal Singur was a quotgreat disappointmentquot but the Tata Group might still go to West Bengal, hints outgoing chairman of the group Ratan Tata. December 17, 2018 Confused which tablet to buy Here are the top 4 It was confusing enough to choose the next smartphone, thanks to the clutter of hardware and operating systems that exist and now the confusion lends itself to tablet PCs too. You can go wild between 7-inch or 10-inch tablet PCs, the OSes and brands and prices. Heres a list of top four tablets to help you make a choice. Sky war: Airbus Neo versus Boeing Max The battle for the skies is moving to a new orbit - fuel-efficient narrow body planes. While Airbus has cashed in on the first mover advantage in this space with its A320 Neo, Boeing, which launched its plane in August last year, is catching up fast. Indian economy, missing women, BJP and cricket Its very hard to win elections on policies that dont offer much now, but promise more growth and income in the future, Vivek Dehejia and Rupa Subramanya tell Rediffs Faisal Kidwai. Its time for builders to CUT real estate prices High unit prices and interest rates have cramped buyers ability to purchase property. IMAGES: The stunning Land Rover Freelander 2 Should the sled be replaced with the revamped Land Rover Freelander 2. Govt lowers growth forecast for current fiscal to 5.7 The government on Monday lowered the growth projection for the current financial year to 5.7-5.9 per cent from 7.6 per cent estimated earlier, while pitching for supportive monetary and fiscal policies to improve investor confidence. Can Chidambaram keep his Budget team together In less than five months of resuming charge of the finance ministry, Palaniappan Chidambaram has put in place virtually a new team to take charge of the governments fiscal policy management in the remaining months of its tenure. Will the celebrated economists and IAS officers share the required equation remains to be seen. Skoda REVEALS the next generation Octavia The current Octavia, known as the Laura here, is getting a little long in the tooth so its right on time, this new model. Is Mallya ready with a revival plan for Kingfisher Lenders to Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) will meet its promoter, Vijay Mallya, and the rest of the brass on Monday, to chart a way forward for the grounded airline. IMAGES: 12 countries that saw most patent filings Countries around the world are witnessing an increase in patent applications. How Tata plans to make NANO a success The worlds cheapest car, the Tata Nano, is being quotrefreshedquot to realise its full potential, says Ratan Tata. Realtors in play to make space for retail giants However, leading real estate players like DLF and Unitech denied being in talks with any foreign brands. Perception of India improved in last 6 months: Godrej Formation of the Cabinet Committee on Investment is very positive news. Most central schemes named after Nehru-Gandhi family out of 58 institutions and schemes being run by the Centre are named after Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. IMAGES: Most expensive cities in the world While prices are rising just about everyday in Indian cities, they are nothing compared to some places. China to open worlds LONGEST high-speed rail line China is set to open a 2,298-km high-speed railway line, the worlds longest, in about two weeks, linking the capital city with the countrys trading hub of Guangzhou. December 16, 2018 Be on guard against scammers this holiday season: McAfee Report says scammers use channels like Facebook and Twitter just like email and websites to scam consumers during the holidays. For domestic flyers, its a fall season Bucking the trend, however, have been international routes, bookings for which have surged in the month. Kidwai becomes first woman president of Ficci She is also a recipient of the countrys prestigious civilian award Padma Shri for her contribution to trade and industry. Rupee may breach 55-mark again by year-end: experts Last month, rupee had emerged as the worst performing currency across the globe on a monthly basis. Reforms needed for accelerated growth: Presiden Says recent global financial crisis did not affect India, as it has some of the stronger economies, is a testimony to the maturity of the countrys regulation. December 15, 2018 LIC will look only at good scrips: Mehrotra Chairman of insurance giant says it has invested Rs 16,000 cr in equity till Oct. RBI extends deadline for new cheques It might impose some fee for such cheques after March and how to do so was being discussed. Those opposing FDI in retail are ignorant: PM Insists that decisions were based on larger concerns about national security, need to insulate India from persistent global economic slowdown. World Bank may peg Indias GDP at 5.5 Reforms can be the game changer for poor and help economy goes back on growth trajectory. Govt lowers import tariff value of gold The tariff value of silver has, however, been hiked marginally to 1062 a kg SBI internet banking to remain shut for 12 hrs on Sun The downtime will be over around 8 am on December 16. India not a prime candidate for rating downgrade: Basu SampP earlier this week had said India faces one-in-three chance of rating downgrade in the next two years IMAGES: 10 most expensive pens in the world There are pens that will make a bigger hole in the pocket than buying a mansion. December 14, 2018 Indian Oil Corp retains top rank in Fortune 500 list State-run Indian Oil Corp is the biggest company in terms of revenue, followed by Reliance Industries, according to the Fortune 500 list of Indian companies for 2018. How many villages in India dont have mobile services About 57,271 villages in the country are yet to be connected with mobile services, Parliament was informed. Why ex-bankers will LEAD the financial innovation race There would be entrepreneurial exits from the financial sectors over the next few years, and many of these will result in enterprises that will generate value by sharing the benefits of financial innovation more fairly. Nehru Place among worlds top notorious IT markets Indian capitals famous Nehru Place market has been placed among the top 30 notorious IT markets of the world that deal in goods and services infringing on intellectual property rights, an official US report has said. 22 HOTSPOTS for investment, Indian cities slip Indian cities have slipped to the bottom of the investment destinations list. Be your own man: Ratan Tata to Cyrus Mistry Tata spoke about his 50 years with the group, 21 as its chairman, the highs and lows of his tenure, his equation with Mistry and his post-retirement plans during an expansive interview to PTI in his office at Bombay House, the group headquarters. Why India Inc is not chasing growth any more Declining GDP growth, persistently high consumer inflation, poor public finances and worsening macro-economic indicators. In such a scenario, should Indian companies chase growth or consolidate their market position Inflation declines to 7.24 Inflation declines to 7.24. The tussle: Finance ministry vs. regulators The distance between North Block and Mint Road has been growing for quite some time. The latest evidence of tension is the finance ministrys decision to introduce a clause in the Banking Amendment Bill allowing banks to trade in commodity futures, despite the central banks reservations on the issue. More steps soon to turn the economy around: FM In the recent past, government has taken a number of measures, including opening up of foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail and hiking foreign investment cap in the aviation sector, to boost economic growth and restore investor confidence. IMAGES: 15 amazing facts about McDonalds McDonalds Corporation is the worlds largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. IMAGES: Biggest money-laundering settlements by banks Lets take a look at biggest money-laundering settlements with US authorities. IMAGES: 30 most connected countries in the world DHL Global Connectedness Index documents both the potential to increase global connectedness and the problems the world has actually encountered in doing so. Indias headline inflation seen picking up in Nov A poll forecast the wholesale price index. Indias main inflation measure, rose an annual 7.6 per cent in November, up from 7.45 per cent in October. Can Force Motors make a mark in SUVs The automobile maker entered the passenger car segment last year with only one model, but failed to impress the market. It is now banking on new launches to boost sales. Govt bats for made-in-India IT products While the drive will help the domestic sector, it will also help the government ensure there are no cyber attacks from malware loaded on devices manufactured abroad. Book Jet tickets online, pay on delivery Jet Airways on Thursday announced a convenient payment option for its customers, which allows them to book tickets online on the domestic carriers portal and pay by cash later, a move aimed at enhancing the airlines distribution network. December 13, 2018 Competition Apple OUTSHINES rivals Apples stock may be sliding as investors fret about growing competition, but store visits and interviews with smartphone and tablet shoppers in 10 cities around the world suggest consumers share little of that negativity. Chinas UCWeb eyes 100 million users in India Firm had opened India office in 2018, its first facility outside China. Bandra land gives big boost to Mumbai realty The commercial exploitation will partially fund the Rs 5,300 crore Mumbai Urban Transport Project-II which envisages improvement in the suburban rail transport system. Why you need to wait for unbreakable TVs, smartphones LCD screens were expected to slowly fade and die, giving way to lighter, thinner and tougher organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels in everything from smartphones to televisions. But LCD is refusing to go quietly as its picture quality keeps getting better. Steps being taken to deal with fake currency: FM quotIt is not possible to check supply of fake notes at the source itself as quotthere is a state supportquot You can now know if you bought a GM food India might not have started growing genetically modified food crops, but it does import food products that contain GM ingredients. Consumers who buy them have no way of knowing what they contain. The government has come up with guidelines to let you know if the item purchased is genetically modified. Why Walmart can escape US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act US officials did not prosecute companies accused of bribing officials in foreign countries when companies disclosed the conduct to authorities, fired responsible employees and took steps to improve compliance with the law. Corporate frauds: How MNCs fail in India Heres a list of allegations of corporate governance failure by MNCs in India. The greed and double standards of MNCs in India Apart from fraud and corruption, MNCs have serious governance issues in India. Some of them include higher royalty payment to the parent, undervaluing assets of subsidiaries that are being merged and so on. BEST Amul advertisements in 2018 Amuls advertisements have entertained Indians since decades. IMAGES: 10 amazing supercars that cost a fortune There are some supercars in the world that cost millions of dollars, but are worth their price. Satyam settles Aberdeen, other claims in accounting fraud Pays 68 million to settle with the claimants. Retail FDI one of many items on Walmart lobby list Others like IBM, Coke and Pepsi also lobby for foreign markets. I have paid advance tax: FM, tells others to follow Finance Minister P Chidambaram wants tax payers to pay advance income tax in time like he did. Unitech Corporate Parks puts Gurgaon property on block Unitech Corporate Parks Plc, the real estate investment company listed on Londons Alternative Investment Market in which developer Unitech Ltd holds a 40 per cent stake, has decided to put one of its largest assets in India on the block with a valuation of Rs 3,000 crore. Pfizer to pay 55 million to settle Protonix case US Department of Justice had charged Wyeth for promoting its acid reflux drug Protonix for unapproved uses and making unproven claims. IMAGES: 10 economies facing ageing populations A whopping two billion people will be 60 years and older by 2050. December 12, 2018 27 Indian firms involved in lobbying in the US As Wal-Marts disclosures on lobbying generated political heat in India, records with American House of Representatives show that around 27 Indian companies have spent money on lobbying in the US. SPECIAL: Can Indias old telecom giant survive Until March 2009, MTNL had Rs 11,429.37 crore of reserves and zero debt in its books. In three years a lot changed. At the end of 2018-12, the debt stood at Rs 9,647.49 crore and the reserves had dwindled to Rs 1,906.70 crore, after it paid Rs 11,000 spectrum fee. Rs 225,000 crore: Money Sahara has raised from public Sahara Groups recent statement says that the total fund received and raised from public since 1978 till September 30, 2018 with accrued interest, including life insurance policy holders fund, mutual funds, Credit Cooperative Q shop customers advance, bank loans in India and overseas, etcquot stood at Rs 225,000 crore. IMAGES: Most amazing tech accessories of 2018 Some of the most amazing accessories were launched in 2018. What Walmarts lobbying disclosure REVEALS The issues, which have been disclosed by the Walmart in its quarterly reports before the US House of Representatives and the Senate, range from a host of foreign issues like FDI in India, to enhanced market access for investment in India and China. Why poor nations are more CORRUPT than the rich The richest countries are also the cleanest, while the poorest are perceived as the most corrupt. Why NMDC FPO is an attractive offer for investors The stock has underperformed the market due to concerns on mining volumes, delayed expansion, and lower realisations. However, now the volume outlook is improving with gains expected from FY14 onwards, given the ongoing capacity expansion. How foreign companies can WIN in India Indias demographics offer a wealth of opportunities for foreign firms. Where to start An expert on Indian business offers some tips. A VIBRANT Gujarat, but for whom It is also a reservoir for human labour in the state, producing hundreds and thousands of bodies who build the states highways, run its small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and work its farms. Videocon to join 4G club in second half of 2018 To launch 4G long-term evolution services in 1,800 MHz band. Govt to ask airlines to cut fares, boost PLF The ministry will meet domestic carriers next week to discuss how the upper limit in each bucket could be reduced to bring down average airfares, which have been rising in the past few months. Why developed economies are SUFFERING Its not entirely true that advanced economies are suffering because of technological stagnation rather than a financial meltdown. December 11, 2018 Air Indias debt to oil cos Rs 4,064 crore only Of the total outstanding of Rs 4,064.77 crore, a sum of Rs 2,571.73 crore (Rs 25.71 billion) is overdue payment, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Tuesday. Is Volkswagen planning Vento CNG for fleet operators Volkswagen is possibly planning an entry level Vento CNG for the metros. Present crisis is comparable to Lehman shock of 2008 The present financial crisis in Europe and other countries is affecting Asian economies not just through trade or slower Asian exports, but through financial channels and can be compared to the Lehman shock of 2008. The secret behind Gujarats agriculture MIRACLE Perhaps, the most credible of Modis accomplishments, for the agriculture sector, has been the radical improvement in the power infrastructure in the state. Kingfisher DENIES report of stake sale to Etihad Kingfisher is in discussion with various investors, including Etihad, for equity investments in the company, but matters are merely at negotiation stages, it said in a statement to the stock exchange. IMAGES: 30 best countries in the world to be born in Lets take a look at 30 best countries to be born in. SPECIAL:Is India heading for another economic crisis The government thinks that it can buy peace with its own people, not by providing an environment for growth, but by bribing them into silence, writes M R Venkatesh. Why cash transfer of subsidies is NOT helping the poor As the government gets ready to roll out its ambitious cash transfer of subsidies scheme on January 1, ltIgt . Santosh TiwariltIgt amp ltIgtIndulekha AravindltIgt get on the ground to investigate how the experiments are working out. Disputed property title could block your ownership A thorough background check will ensure hassle-free title for an immovable property. Ensure that all the parties are involved in the process of sale. IMAGES: 10 hottest destinations for beer business Here we look at 10 destinations that are simply great for beer companies. Meet Chidambarams BUDGET dream team Tough balancing act in the offing in the last budget of UPA-II. Why Ratan Tata loves to HATE media The Tata Group chairman may have gone overboard in his criticism of a profession called journalism. US sees India as RISING economic powerhouse The US intelligence has predicted that in 2030, India could be the rising economic powerhouse of the world as China is seen today and that it will continue to consolidate its power advantage over Pakistan. December 10, 2018 Builders cant end deals if their demands arent met Apartment buyers are often put in a tight spot by developers who demand more money after initial payments. Volvo sees rising competition in luxury bus segment Swedish brand has a 74 per cent share in the luxury bus segment, but competition is picking up speed. In election time, oil and gas return to haunt Modi Though Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation officials term it a case of mismanagement, the dubious deal has raised many questions. Can Narendra Modi take CREDIT for Gujarats growth Through a series of ground reports from Gujarat, with expert opinions and data analyses, Business Standard tries to unfurl the secret of the states growth across sectors. Your money, their business Family offices provide investment advice, plan succession and even help buy airplanes. GMR ouster big blow to Indias reputation in S Asia The realist school of thought currently employed by Delhi, that friendships dont matter as long as national interest is taken care of, is all very well to pursue, except in this case Nasheed exemplified both friendship and national interest. After its errors of judgement on the Maldives, Indias next opportunity will come only when elections are held. Dream house Check the prices in the metros Business Standard brings to you a snapshot of average current rates and unit sizes in localities that offer property in the price range of Rs 2 crore (Rs 20 million) to Rs 4 crore (Rs 40 million). At the Doha climate change conference, the world agreed to strengthen the framework for future action. Domestic car sales down 8 According to the data released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers on Monday, motorcycle sales last month went up marginally to 8,67,518 units from 8,67,088 units in November, 2018. E-gold, gold plans or ETFs: Whats best While e-gold is cheaper than gold plan, its not tax-friendly like gold ETFs. COLUMN: Keeping an eye on China Dont ignore the Asian giants economic problems and political tension. India is suffering from inertial inflation High support prices, wage inceases and RBIs assumption of an acceptable rate of inflation are responsible for the continuous price rise. IMAGES: 10 most expensive gadgets in the world Here we take a look at 10 insanely expensive gadgets in the world. Images: Worlds 30 BEST cities to live in European cities continue to dominate the list of world best cities to live in according to the Mercer 2018 Quality of Living Survey. 15 AMAZING FACTS about the rise of Starbucks Here are 15 amazing facts about one of the fastest-growing companies in the world. Candid chat with Bajaj junior Rajiv Bajaj talks about his de-risking strategy, as well as his companys much-speculated relationship with Renault-Nissan DTH companies queue up to raise funds for expansion The DTH industry had been growing at an explosive rate, with 100 per cent increase in customer base and a steady income from customers. Stocks of MNCs with high promoter stake lose steam Have underperformed the market in the rally that started in November. Walmart s LOBBYING bill hits Rs 125 cr on India entry Global retail giant Walmart - waiting for years to open its supermarkets in India -- has been lobbying with the US lawmakers since 2008 to facilitate its entry into the highly lucrative Indian market. India hurt by scams, retrospective taxation acts: Tata The outgoing Chairman of the Tata group Ratan Tata is quotrattledquot by Indias current image emerging from scams and retrospective taxation, and wants the government to give an quotirreversible commitmentquot that law of the land has sanctity. 10 global companies CUT 1 lakh jobs in 2018 HP tops With an aim to save costs in troubled economic times, just 10 companies together have announced nearly one lakh job cuts worldwide since start of 2018 and they include giants like HP, Google and Citigroup. December 09, 2018 Tatas wont get into airline business: Ratan Tata Once pioneers in civil aviation, the Tata group is unlikely to get into the sector because of quotdestructive competitionquot, its outgoing Chairman Ratan Tata said. Reliance halts US lobbying for 4th straight quarter Leading corporate house Reliance Industries has kept its lobbying activities among US lawmakers on hold for the fourth quarter in a row, after having paid nearly 2 million to its lobbyist in Washington in past few years. FDI in telecom sector plunges to 43 mn Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as a source of funding has shrunk to a trickle for the once lucrative telecom sector with foreign investment inflows plunging to 43 million in the April-September period of the current fiscal. FIIs pump 21 bn in Indian stocks in 2018 Overseas investors have made net investments of 1.2 billion in the Indian equity market during the first week of the month, taking the total for 2018 so far to a whopping 21 billion. RIL opposes uniform marketing margin for natural gas Reliance Industries has opposed a move to make marketing margin charged by it and other sellers of domestically produced natural gas uniform, while giving gasimporters a free hand, saying that it would be a gross discrimination. Airport: Maldives terms takeover a victory, GMR silent Indian firm skips midnight ceremony Maldives terms takeover a victory for its people. Kolkata concern for GSM operators Kolkata has emerged as one of the key concerns for the telecom companies providing GSM services. Indian oil companies are hungry for deals Faced with soaring demand, stagnant output at home and a need to diversify from Iranian crude imports lost to Western sanctions, Indian oil companies are hungry for deals like Oil and Natural Gas Corporations ( ONGCs) Kashagan buy that promise supplies sooner rather than later. HDFC Bank upbeat on loan growth in FY14 The credit growth is expected to be better in the next financial year on the back of higher gross domestic product (GDP) growth, according to HDFC Bank Ltd, the countrys second largest private lender. December 08, 2018 MACL back at helm at Maldives airport Two years after it handed over the Male International Airports operations to Indian infrastructure major GMR, the Maldives state-run MACL was back at the helm on Saturday. Airport Metro Express likely to run again next year Unwilling to wait till Delhi Metros Phase-III is completed, the Centre wants construction work on quotsome sectionsquot of the Phase-IV project to start immediately once the detailed project report is completed. Tata Motors offers discounts of up to Rs 1.5 lakh At a time when others car makers are planning price hikes, Tata Motors on Saturday announced discounts and freebies worth up to Rs 1.5 lakh on purchase ofdifferent models which are valid till the end of this month. Inflation remains primary concern for RBI: Gokarn Ahead of the mid-quarter review of the monetary policy on December 18, RBI Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn on Saturday said inflation continues to be the primary concern for the central bank. West Bengal campus: Infosys to wait Software major Infosys would wait for some more time before taking a decision on the future of its first development facility at Rajarhat near themetropolis. Ratan Tata denies using strong words against govt Tata Sons on Saturday denied that group Chairman Ratan Tata has used words such as quotvenalquot business environment or accused the government ofquotinactionquot in media interviews. Wipro to acquire Singapores LD Waxsons Group Wipro Ltd on Saturday said it will fully acquire LD Waxsons Group, a Singapore-based fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) company for an all cash consideration of about 144 million (nearly Rs 790 crore). FDI in retail will BENEFIT consumers, farmers: PM A day after winning Parliaments approval to the decision of allowing FDI in retail, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday said the move will benefitfarmers and consumers and help introduce new technologies in agri marketing. Obama urges Congress to extend middle class tax cuts US President Barack Obama urged the Congress to extend the middle class tax cut that is set to end this month. Iran oil sanctions: US extends waiver for India The US has extended waivers that exempt nine countries, including India and China, from fully complying with American sanctions targeting Irans oil exports, citing their significant reduction in oil import from Tehran. Retail FDI victory fuels govts reforms push The government wants to use the FDI victory impetus to clear the Companies Bill and those amending the banking and pension Acts. GMR begins check-out from Male It is business as usual at Ibrahim Nasir airport Maldives to retain staff hired by GMR. December 07, 2018 Does McDonalds use Indian potatoes This is the time to analyse the French fries served by McDonalds in India How to make job exchanges work They should be able to provide counselling, training and employment. Infosys FY 13 revenue outlook under threat: UBS Customer deferrals, ramp-downs in a few large projects, delays in large deal closures due to Hurricane Sandy may cause threat to outlook. Govt seeks parliamentary approval for more spending Most economists expect the government to end the fiscal year with a fiscal deficit of 5.6-5.8 per cent which could mean an additional borrowing of 300-500 billion rupees. New jobs: What Indian employees look for For Indians, job security is more important than other factors such as salary and perks. Govt to infuse Rs 2,000 crore into Air India Last year, the government approved a 5.8 billion bailout plan. Why Indias economic growth will pick up in 2018 A decline in oil prices, improving demand situation in abroad markets and structural reforms at home will help Indian economy regain its high growth trajectory in the coming years, according to US investment banking giant Goldman Sachs. IMAGES: 20 slowest-growing cities in the world Lets have a look at 20 slowest-growing cities in the world. Air India threatens to stop operations to NE airports The airline has been operating so far on the assumption that the funds would soon be available. US seen extending Iran sanction waivers to India Is likely to give another six-month reprieve from financial sanctions to India, South Korea, Turkey and others. Murdoch relies on Indian-origin CFO in taxing times Rupert Murdoch-controlled News Corp rejigged its top brass as it announced plans to split the company into two, one to look after its publishing portfolio and the other, for the media and entertainment unit. Bedi Ajay Singh took over as the chief financial officer of the publishing arm. IMAGES: 10 cities where everyone has a job There are some cities where nearly everybody has a job. Piramal Groups PE to raise 185 mn in new fund Investors have stepped up ploughing money into the healthcare sector in India. SPECIAL: Is OVL making the right acquisitions Some analysts have raised doubts on the wisdom of the recent deal. Though the Kashagan field has been under development for 12 years, involving an investment of almost 50 billion, the output isnt great. Even the earlier acquisition of Imperial Energy Corporation has not met the targets. REVEALED: What the Samsung Galaxy S4 will be like The new Galaxy series phone will have bigger display, better resolution, sharper camera, and faster processor. Analyst believe that the biggest draw would be unbreakable screen. Apple to return some Mac production to US in 2018 Apple makes the majority of its products, from Macs to the iPhone and iPad, in China, the worlds factory floor for electronics. Worlds 30 LEAST corrupt nations Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in countries across the world. IMAGES: 10 highest selling cars of November We bring you a list of the top 10 cars that scored the best in the month of November 2018. Apple, Samsung face off in court again Apple scored a sweeping legal victory in August at the conclusion of its landmark case against its arch-foe. HSBC might pay 1.8 bn money laundering fine The potential settlement, which has been in the works for months, is emerging as a test case for just how big a signal US prosecutors want to send to try to halt illicit flows of money moving through US banks. The price India pays for its DELAYED rail projects The government on said its ambitious Kashmir rail plan has the largest cost overrun of Rs 5,500 crore among those rail projects which have been delayed by more than a decade. December 06, 2018 Indias air traffic growth to be worlds 2nd highest Indias domestic air travel market would be among the top five globally, experiencing the second highest growth rate in domestic passenger traffic after Kazakhstan but before China, IATA said. Infy plans to roll out Rs 700 cr project for India Post It would help the PSU transform its banking and insurance operations cross 150,000 post offices in the country. IMAGES: Fiat to launch Jeep in India in 2018 The carmaker wants to enter the fast-growing SUV segment in the country. The off-road pick-ups and luxury SUVs will be the first vehicles from the Chrysler, owned by Fiat, stable to be launched in India. 2 Indian CEOs among worlds most powerful people Forbes magazine recently came up with a list of most powerful people. Cars to be more expensive as companies plan price hike The countrys largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India on Thursday said it will increase the prices of its vehicles across all models by up to Rs 20,000 from January due to increasing pressure on its margins due to currency fluctuation. Honda Cars India and Volkswagen India said they, too, are contemplating the same. RISE and FALL of a telecom giant Lets take a look at the rise and fall of the giant. The men who took on Iron Man and Superman Jason Kothari and Dinesh Shamdasani are making Valiant a name to be reckoned with in the comics industry. Citigroup CUTTING 11,000 JOBS worldwide The cuts, which amount to about 4 per cent of the banks workforce, carry the fingerprints of Citigroups Chairman Michael ONeill. IMAGES: 3 stunning SUVs fight it out on Indian roads Safari Storme, XUV 500 and Duster are put through the wringer. Which one will emerge unscathed Worlds most CORRUPT nations, India at 94 Corruption continues to ravage societies around the world, reveals Transparency Internationals Corruption Perceptions Index 2018. StanChart to pay 330 mn fine for Iran deals The payment is on top of the 340 million it has already paid to the New York State Department of Financial Services. Why owning the world makes no sense for Ranbaxy It has exited most non-profitable geographies and is no longer chasing acquisitions. Will the new strategy pay off Not many takers for office space in Mumbai As global and domestic economies continue to flounder, vacancies at many existing and new commercial properties across Indias commercial capital have risen to 30-50 per cent levels from 14-15 per cent in 2009. S Viswanathan: SBIs own Kingfisher man S Viswanathan is the new managing director of State Bank of Indias associates and subsidiaries. Apples shares swallow BIGGEST LOSS in 4 years Possible higher dividend, capital gains taxes weigh. Complan, Saffola, Kelloggs under lens for false claims Complan and Horlicks, which claim to make kids taller in India, do not make any such claims in the UK Villages without post offices: Uttar Pradesh is No.1 There are over five lakh villages in the country which do not have post offices, the government said. December 05, 2018 Jay Lee: Samsungs unassuming heir apparent On Wednesday, Lee junior, 44, was promoted to vice chairman, moving him a step closer to eventually taking over from his 70-year-old father in what looks to be a well choreographed long-term succession plan. And investors seem to like the idea. Audi Nov sales zoom 89 revises 2018 target The companys primary growth driver this year has been the A range of sedans, led by the A4 and A6, followed by the SUVs, Q5, Q7 and Q3. SPECIAL: How futures trading affects farmers Futures trading involves speculation of prices of a commodity, depending on its demand-supply prospects in the future. In this type of trading, buyers and sellers do not actually possess the commodity and the deals are done on paper (see box Understanding futures trading). Images: A FLYING tricycle to avoid rush-hour traffic A man in the US has built a tricycle that will let you soar into the sky and cruise over rush-hour traffic jams. Why Wipros demerger is GOOD for investors An ostensible reason for the demerger was the low profitability of the non-IT business, which was a drag on Wipros bottom line. It accounts for 14 per cent of the companys turnover but only 6 per cent of its operating profit. 1 mn: Thats the no. of EMPLOYEES govt banks need In the next five years, 80 per cent of general managers, 65 per cent of deputy general managers, 58 per cent of assistant general managers and 44 per cent of chief managers would be retiring. COLUMN: Little has changed in urban India There are some flyovers, JNNURM logo-bearing buses and terribly designed housing for the poor. هذا هو. Indias 5 BEST cities to live in Indian cities do not fare well compared to their global peers in the list of best cities. How Wal-Mart got a foot in the door of India retail Wal-Mart and other retailers lobbied for years to gain access to Indias market, lured by the promise of a middle class that will one day rival Chinas. IMAGES: Six Indian cities among major growth centres Lets take a look at economic growth in 25 major cities of the world. How realtors have profited from rising India, China This extract from The 10 Trillion Prize demonstrates how property developers have profited from the rising affluence in India and China. Pratip Chaudhuri: SBIs CONSCIENCE keeper The chairman of Indias largest bank on why he would like to forget the first six months of his stint and the steps he has taken to revitalise the institution. Aadhaar can help PLUG leakages in govt programmes Here is how UID can help to cut down bureaucracy by automating major parts of government subsidy programmes. In addition, it will help government save on cost and give intended beneficiaries better access to the programmes. Current stock market rally to SUSTAIN until early 13 The writer believes that the current stock market rally will continue until early 2018. He predicts this based on partial success of current Parliament session, resolution of US fiscal cliff, and government disinvestment. December 04, 2018 US SEC charges China affiliates of top accounting firms Mondays move indicated China was refusing to yield in talks with the United States over access to Chinese audit papers, trying to keep foreign regulators off what it sees as its turf. IMAGES: 6 most fuel efficient hatchbacks in India Fuel-efficient hatchbacks are the favourite of Indian car owners. Are you game for these SMALLER sedans The different tax structures for smaller and larger vehicles in the Indian market have resulted in the emergence of a unique category of compact sub-four-metre sedans and utility vehicles that are gaining favour among consumers. Come mid-2018, half-a-dozen sub-four-metre vehicles will be on road. Apple iTunes debuts in India Apple has priced songs at about Rs 12 with latest Bollywood albums, like Dabangg 2, being offered at Rs 96. Walmart and Bharti have hoodwinked the government M P Achuthan, Rajya Sabha member from Kerala, who blew the whistle on the company flouting FDI norms in India, has submitted a petition to the Prime Ministers Office, revealing details of how Walmart violated norms while investing 100 million in Cedar Support Services, a company that was earlier known as Bharti Retail Holdings. He speaks to Manu A B about the MNC How fraud has grown in India over the years Lets take a look at how fraud has grown in the country. Sahara refund case: Hearing deferred till tomorrow Supreme Court defers till Wednesday hearing on Sahara Groups plea. Even without US cliff, world economy teeters The global economy is on edge - and thats without the U. S. quotfiscal cliff. quot India sets up seaside village to nurture IT start-ups Even three decades after Infosys, Indias second-largest software service provider, was founded by middle-class engineers, the country has failed to create an enabling environment for first-generation entrepreneurs. End of the era of mega profits for Jindal Power When the initial public offer of Jindal Power was announced in 2009, it was seen by investors as a golden opportunity to own a quality stock. Taking entrepreneurship to the heartlands young From mid-December, about 100,000 Class IX students in 1,000 government schools across 10 districts of Bihar will spend two hours on Saturdays reading a glossy storybook, probably the best designed ones that they have ever read. Ajay Bijli: Making of the multiplex king PVR has bought 69.27 per cent of the promoters stake held by the Kanakias in Cinemax for Rs 395 crore. IMAGES: 10 stunning cars launched in 2018 Notwithstanding the high prices of fuel, most of the cars that have been launched so far are utility vehicles. 25 best-performing stock markets in the world These stock markets have delivered healthy gains in 2018. December 03, 2018 After 7 slow quarters, Chinas economy sees revival The pace of activity in Chinas vast manufacturing sector quickened for the first time in 13 months in November, a survey of private factory managers found, adding to evidence that the economy is reviving after seven quarters of slowing growth. Is Asia doing enough to curb Iranian oil purchases Asias buyers of Iranian crude believe theyve cut their purchases from Tehran enough to justify an extension of their U. S waivers, and strictly speaking, they probably have. Now, a book on capital markets in Braille The Calcutta Stock Exchange inaugurated a book on capital markets -- Taking Stock -- in Braille. The biggest financial SCAMS of pyramid schemes None of Indias financial regulators has any interest in proactively dealing with pyramid schemes. COMPLAINTS: Which life insurer tops the list Heres a list of life insurance companies that have the maximum number of customer complaints against them in various categories such as claim disputes and unfair business practices. Indian oil cos focus on production to grab new assets While not all the oil bought overseas turns up in domestic refineries, it can give companies a stake in the global crude trade. Images: Award winning architectural WONDERS The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design honour buildings for new architecture, landscape architecture, interiors and urban planning. Morgan Stanley RAISES Indias GDP forecast Morgan Stanley on Monday raised Indias growth forecast for the current financial year to 5.4 per cent from 5.1 per cent projected earlier citing better than expected GDP growth in the September quarter and stabilisation in non-agriculture growth indicators. IMAGES: 20 most beautiful cars in the world While there are many cars in the world, but only few are really beautiful. A flat in Dubai will cost LESS than one in Bandra A house in the worlds tallest building with the whos who from around the globe as your neighbours is no longer a distant dream. How much INCOME makes a person HAPPY Study says the amount of net annual income needed for people to feel happy is 161,810. Another IT hub EMERGES in Andhra It is located on the Visakhapatnam-Vizianagaram stretch of N-5, around 16 km from Visakhapatnam city. India among BIGGEST steel producers in the world India is among the major steel producers in the world. Maruti vendors yet to approach Gujarat govt for land Maruti was allotted around 640 acres of land at Hansalpur which lies nestled between Mehsana district and the Sanand-Viramgam area. No jingle bells for Indias investment bankers Year-end bonuses to be low to zero, as banks cut jobs, re-deploy staff. Rupee may rise if political parties agree on reforms Interview with Associate director (commodities amp currencies), Angel Broking. December 02, 2018 India Inc to give 11 salary hike to employees in FY13 The increment percentages have dropped by 1-2 per cent across levels compared to last year. Govt gets only Rs 1,707 cr from 2G spectrum auction Falls way short of the Rs 40,000-cr target for the year Bharti makes upfront payment Vodafone, Telewings go for deferred scheme Large Indian cos sitting on Rs 4.2 lakh cr excess cash: EampY The conclusions are based on the working capital performance of 400 leading companies in India. RBI Guv conducts inflation poll, wins handsomely The majority votes came at a time when Subbarao had been holding the repo rate in the last four monetary policy reviews. HSBC Geneva accounts: I-T digs for more funds info I-T, FinMin approach Switzerland and France for access to full transaction activity of these entities from the period accounts were opened. December 01, 2018 Novelis shot in the arm for Hindalco The Novelis acquisition has done quite well for the fortunes of Hindalco. JLR to go cheaper down the road alongside German rivals To explore options for capitalising on growth potential in entry-level luxury car segment. Markets posts biggest weekly gain in 6-months Banks, real-estate sectors lead gains. Marutis November sales jump 12 Compact segment sales rise 7.63, mini segment registers 5.76 dip. Full effect of recovery will be visible in 2018-14 He says though agriculture and industry would get a fillip in the second half of this financial year, a complete economic revival is expected only in 2018-14. Maran to raise 5 stake in SpiceJet This would be the third fund infusion in the airline by Maran since September 2018. IIT placements: 10-30 HIKE in pay packages While the institute declined to share salary details, it said there seemed to be a between 10 and 30 increase in pay packages over last years IPO market set to buzz in December Bharti Infratels Rs 4,500-cr share sale to be the largest since Coal Indias in 2018. November 30, 2018 PF account statements now just a click away Members can register themselves on the website using any government issued photo identity card and cell no. as passwords. IMAGES: JLR drives in new Range Rover The stunning cars top-end model can go up to Rs 1.9 crore. STUNNING cars: Owners pride, neighbours envy The Los Angeles Auto Show saw the debut of a range of new models including the Toyota RAV4, Mazda a6, Kia Sorento, Subaru Forester, Porsche Cayman, Chevrolet Spark EV and Audi diesel. Two laws, two ministries, one continuing confusion Forest law vests overall control over the productive assets of the jungles in the forest bureaucracy. SPECIAL: Bad old moneylenders are back with vengeance Activists created a climate of opinion against MFIs, while politicians capitalised on the frenzy. Indias Q2 GDP growth falls to 5.3 Indias economic growth has declined to 5.3 per cent in July-September this fiscal, from 6.7 per cent in the same period a year ago 15 biggest oil companies in the world Oil is a multi-billion business and some companies are really reaping in the benefits. SPECIAL: The big problem of Biyanis shrinking empire The countrys biggest retailer is splicing and selling businesses as it strives to reduce its mountain of debts. In the long run, his operations need to generate cash flows. Sandoz to close generic development centre Closure would mean manufacturer might not be able to launch any new generic products in India in future. Bharti, Vodafone in the dock SC directs CBI to take action over extra spectrum allocation during NDA rule. Corruption, bribery, frauds: Indian firms WORST hit India has the second highest number of fraud-hit companies, according to a report by global advisory firm Kroll. Goldman Sachs sees Nifty at 6,600 pts by 2018-end Financial major Goldman Sachs on raised the Indian stocks to quotoverweightquot from quotmarket-weightquot and said the NSE Nifty will scale the 6,600 level by December 2018, on the back of growth recovery and moderation in inflation going forward. November 29, 2018 15 quotes reveal Starbuckss Howard Schultz story Starbuckss Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz has built a coffee empire that extends to almost all parts of the world. Bhartis African safari remains a cash guzzler Has already invested 13 bn and needs another 9 bn to expand business, even as cash demands rise at home Tata Motors plans 3 block closures at Jamshedpur plant Block closure planned keeping in mind the weak demand of commercial vehicles. Can Rajat Gupta delay his surrender date A US court has agreed to hear next week a bid by India-born former Goldman Sachs Director Rajat Gupta to delay his surrender to federal prison and remain free on bail while he challenges his conviction on insider-trading charges. Common Mans View: Why I am against FDI in retail It will be bad for the farmer and the consumer. It will be bad for the poor -- urban and rural. It will put a lot of people in the retail trade out of jobs. It will increase fuel use, says G V Dasarathi who is in charge of buying groceries in his family. Best countries for business: New Zealand is No. 1 Take a look at the 25 best countries for doing business. Must slash current account deficit to 2.5: Rangarajan Pegs the current account deficit for the current fiscal at 3.5 per cent of the GDP. Why France HATES Lakshmi Mittal French government is up in arms against Lakshmi Mittal after 629 workers lost their jobs on closure of two furnaces of ArcelorMittal. Things have got so bad that President Holland has threatened to temporary nationalise ArcelorMittal. In France, people consider him as a big-bad mega-rich Indian who came to lay off workers and drive French steel industry to ruin. IMAGES: 11 incredibly fast trains in the world While India has many fast trains, but they come nothing close to some of the fastest trains in the world. Economic growth: Bihar BEATS Maharashtra, Gujarat Bihar has been the top performer among the major states in terms of economic growth during the 11th Five Year Plan which ended on March 31, 2018. Rupee up 61 paise, ends at 2-wk high Forex dealers said a higher opening in the domestic equity market and strengthening of euro against the dollar overseas also supported the rupee. Sensex crosses 19K as Goldman upgrades India Sensex crosses 19,000-mark for the first time since October 5. SPECIAL: Walmarts ride to India gets bumpier Walmart is getting embroiled in one controversy after the other in India. Political parties in opposition are already rallying against FDI in retail. Can it still manage to launch its retail business successfully in the country BUDGET: 2 hike in excise duty, service tax likely Restoration of Customs duty on crude oil amp rollback of exemptions likely. Animal spirits are BACK on the deal street MampAs worth 10 bn on anvil. IMAGES: Volvo to launch V40 Cross Country in India Volvo cars are overshadowed by the big three Germans in India and its time that the Swedish manufacturer do something to step up its game. November 28, 2018 Ratan Tata positive, says Indias outlook not as bad Tata said he expects China to move towards democracy. He said many democracies would also have to find ways of enforcing what they want to do if they want to move forward. Sistema to scale down India exposure Wont put in more money, irrespective of SC decision on curative petition. How India can curb RISING gold import Massive imports by India, of 60 billion and 1,067 tonnes in 2018-12 (up from 40 billion in 2018-11), have contributed in pushing prices of the noble metal to record levels internationally. Markets likely to range-trade in the short-term Tentatively, watch for a rise beyond 5,820 to a new 52-week high, or a drop below 5,600. Why working at Google is a dream come true Google rated as one of the best employers is known for offering the best facilities to employees. 15 BIGGEST overseas acquisitions by Indian companies A look at the deals in the past that made news, awed investors and probably gave management sleepless nights. Why Singur still remains a headache for Mamata The people of Singur feel they have lost their representative in the government who would plead the issue of fast-tracking the process of returning their land, which seems to be a distant reality, with the battle being fought in the courts. Amazing IMAGES of Paganis supercar Huayra Pagani Automobili is an Italian manufacturer of sports cars and carbon fibre. Diageo-Pernod Ricard slugfest reaches India The acquisition of United Spirits will arm Diageo with a formidable mass-market portfolio, but consumers are up-trading rapidly. SPECIAL: Show us the cash, Mr Vijay Mallya In a meeting later this week, bankers will insist on a commitment on funds. But many say Kingfisher better not fly again under a promoter who just blew money trying to run a glamorous airline. All about Aakashs Chinese inheritance Revelations about motherboards origin have cast doubts about its India tag. RISE and FALL of housing prices in 20 cities Housing prices in 9 cities across India have risen while it has dropped in 11 cities. Investors RICHER by over Rs 1 lakh cr Investor wealth on Tuesday swollen by over Rs 1 lakh crore on all-round buying in stock market after credit rating agency Moodys said Indias outlook is stable and agreement over debt relief package to Greece that boosted markets globally. November 27, 2018 Bangladesh factory blaze: Why Walmart is sorry The fire at the Bangladesh garment factory once again brings to light the substandard and unsafe methods resorted by factories working for multinationals. INVEST to make homes eco-friendly, reap rich rewards Buying and installing the equipment are the major cost factors, which can be recovered in a few years. Indias Q2 growth likely to drop to 5.1 According to a research report by Karvy Stock Broking, quotthe GDP growth for the second quarter of this fiscal is estimated to drop to nearly three and a half year low of 5.1 per cent. quot Can SEBI do better than flogging the dead horses Investor bodies have been repeatedly making the point that suspending companies from exchanges only plays into the hands of the promoters who do not have any intention to service investors. How Indian Railways plans to run BULLET trains The Indian Railways has joined hands with China for cooperation in developing high-speed rail corridors in selected routes in the country. London favourite tourist destination for Indians According to figures from the Mayors official tourism and investment agency, London amp Partners, the number of Indian tourists is now at a five year high, with 145,000 visitors in the first half of 2018 -- up 28 per cent from 113,000 in the same period last year. 10 most PROSPEROUS countries in the world Lets take a look at 10 most prosperous countries in the world. 10 quotes REVEAL how Bill Gates became so rich Lets take a look at some of his best quotes. How Ponty Chadha built a Rs 10,000 crore business Slain businessman Ponty Chadha built from scratch a Rs 10,000 crore business and forged close ties with many Climate change talks: Has India Inc lost hope There is definitely lack of active participation from the industry, primarily due to the poor performance of the carbon credit market and the general negative sentiment in the economy. GSK to spend 904 mn to lift stake in India arm Open offer to increase holding to 75, fails to enthuse institutional investors. Etihad close to buying minority stake in Jet The two parties have been in talks for a month and a half. 4 Indians among worlds top business thinkers Four Indian business thinkers have been featured in Foreign Policy Magazines Top 100 Global Thinkers list. Amazing IMAGES of Aston Martins luxury cars Aston Martin is famous for producing one of the most luxurious and beautiful cars in the world. November 26, 2018 This is the biggest deal by an Indian company in 2018 ONGC Videsh and ConocoPhillips said the transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2018. RIL demands freeing of gas pricing RIL gets 4.2 per million British thermal unit for the gas produced from its KG-D6 fields in the Bay of Bengal. PM to launch mission plan for electric cars soon Govt will save Rs 30,000 cr in fuel by giving Rs 14,000 cr subsidy to industry for making electric vehicles. India outsourcing BLAMED for 2.3bn loss by UBS trader This is the third instance when outsourcing of key oversight jobs by global banks to India has come under the regulatory scanner abroad for ineffective controls against suspicious financial transactions. Motorola Mobility shuts down India website In August, firm had said it will shrink operations in India, lay off 4,000 employees worldwide as part of restructuring plans Buying a smartphone Be a wise geek How does one pick the right smartphone out of the confusing array Heres what you need to keep in mind. INDIAN city among worlds leading hubs for start-ups Lets take a look worlds leading cities for start-ups, including one from India. Realty boom: How SAFE are Noidas skyscrapers Noida is going vertical with several high-rise luxury apartment complexes, malls and offices in the works. But are these safe How to understand our rights in the virtual world Nearly 70 per cent of urban users access the internet for social networking in India. Seven HOT spots for property investors The list of cities that leading property consultants feel can give fantastic returns to investors based on the development in the area. These areas are not in any metro but could have proximity to one. Digital consumption is growing the fastest in India Interview with CEO and co-founder, Saavn COLUMN: Fighting Delhis smog Although each vehicle has become cleaner, air quality remains poor because of the drastic increase in the number of vehicles RIL insider trading case: Sebi plays spoilsport Moves Bombay HC against CIC order issued in public interest India Inc in a rush to go abroad for funds Lower bank rates the main draw 6 bn to be raised in next few months. India to thrash out rating issue with Moodys Govt to strongly pitch for better rating, to argue India has successfully weathered its problems and govt capacity on growth remains high. Mallya: Finest brain in Indias spirits industry With United Spirits all set to be acquired by Diageo, there arent too many local spirits barons of significance and stature left. November 23, 2018 IMAGES: Samsung launches 3G camera for Rs 29,900 Electronics major Samsung on Friday launched its 3G-powered Galaxy Camera in the country for Rs 29,900, which allows users to directly share pictures and videos on social networking sites. Special: Videocons big telecom GAMBLE In the debate whether spectrum was over - priced or not, the focus seems to have shifted from Videocons telecom gamble. Excessive workload as bad as joblessness Researchers led by Associate Professor Peter Butterworth from the Australias National University said poor psychosocial job quality is measured by factors such as high job demands, low job control, poor job security and low job esteem. PSU banks worth INVESTING even in this slowdown Even as concerns over PSU Banks asset quality and growth rates remain, there are few that offer a favourable risk-reward equation. Airport test: How Google hires the BEST employees Many things have changed in the company that has graduated from a Stanford dorm room in 1998, to a 33,000-employee powerhouse but the airport test has remained a constant. The prices of these commodities will RISE The southwest monsoon in 2018 might have left Indian shores a couple of months back after having a rather uneven run during the four-month season, but its after-effect in pushing up prices of onion. edible oils. pulses. potatoes and banana is likely to be felt all year long. Unilever sharpens focus on emerging markets Company plans to tap 75 per cent of revenues from emerging markets, from the current 53 per cent. IMAGES: Here comes the new BMW X6 for Rs 78.90 lakh The official prices of the two variants turned out to be pretty much what the market had predicted. Toyota takes the battle to Nissan Buzz around Innova Aero and cheaper multi-utility brands of competitors make the going tough for Evalia in a crowded market. A tour of the NEW Google office in Toronto Hailed as one of Torontos greenest workplaces, Google generates 100 per cent of power for the office from clean green sources. 3 Indian cities see highest rental growth in world Rental rates are increasing everywhere. Karnataka: People living near gold mines at RISK Cases of arsenic poisoning are on the rise in areas near gold mines in Karnataka. STUNNING cars you would love to drive A look at gorgeous machines on display at one of the top auto shows in China. November 22, 2018 Slowdown now hits education institutes Low admissions, loan-funded capital expenditure pull down creditworthiness of many, with banks wary of lending. More Free Trade Agreements, less red tape Govt policy, not trade with Asean, stifles manufacturing. Books will be dead and become collectors items There are over 1.5 billion people on the Internet today, but you have seen nothing yet, says Googles Nikesh Arora. Images: WORST forms of child labour in Asia While South Asia is still lagging in curbing child labour, South American countries like Brazil and Chile have made significant strides. COLUMN: The soft power that India ignores The spin-offs from providing some sort of formal training for the hospitality business are huge. High gold prices let Indians feel richer, spend more High gold prices let Indians feel wealthier and spend more, making monetary policy less effective. West Bengal to raise Rs 3,000 cr from idle govt land To unlock about 80 acres of premium land in Kolkata, held by four state-owned transport companies. Kejriwal warns govt on RIL gas rates He also described Moily as Mukesh Ambanis agent. No takers for Mukeshs RGTIL Valuation slips on rights cancellation OIL pulls out, GAIL puts plan on ice. Climate change: 3 Indian cities face HIGH risks Kolkata came in at seventh while Mumbai was in the eighth position and Delhi at 20th in the fifth annual Climate Change and Environmental Risk Atlas 2018, recently released by Maplecroft, a British firm specializing in risk analysis. SPECIAL: Which way is the market headed Different trading methods work better during different phases. AIs Mumbai-London Dreamliner flight from next week Dreamliner is a 256 seater plane with 18 business class seats and 238 economy class seats. November 21, 2018 SPECIAL: Fish and a philosophy A cooperative in Kolkata shows the way for urban sewage management. BOOM for Maruti 800 in foreign markets Even as Maruti Suzukis once bread-and-butter M800 model is seeing interest wane among buyers in India, demand for the countrys once most iconic car has shot up in markets abroad. Subsidy BURDEN: Govts petro bill turns a headache Earnings fall, even as fuel subsidy outgo set to climb new high of close to Rs 1,00,000 cr. All about Piaggios top-down strategy When Vespa returned to India, the excitement at the launch event in late April this year was understandable. Cable TV digitisation opens up host of opportunities Heres a look at how some businessmen plan to grab the opportunity. Let it snow, roars Jaguar in the US Rivals have long been offering the feature, putting Jaguars sedans at a competitive disadvantage in the US. Vijay Mallyas twin hats draw criticism Vijay Mallya was made a Member of Parliaments standing committee on chemicals and fertilisers earlier this year. Chevrolet to LAUNCH 2 more cars in India, soon Chevrolet started the year with Sail UVA hatchback and Enjoy MPV, and is the only automaker to have refreshed all its models within a span of one year. NEW LAUNCHES: Find out changes made to 4 small cars This festive season, manufacturers went all out to launch new cars and upgrade existing models to retain customer loyalty. The most exciting launches were in small car space. Find out if the upgraded cars do give buyers more bang for bucks. Slowdown These cars still have a LONG waiting period While some carmakers are lowering their sales targets, Maruti Suzuki DZire, MampM XUV500 and Renault Duster are selling strong. Indias 20 most POWERFUL women in business Chanda Kochhar has been named as the most powerful woman in business in India for the second consecutive year by Fortune Magazine. November 20, 2018 India: Worlds 4th most vacation-deprived nation Indians come on the top when it comes to preferring work over vacations and they tend to either cancel their holidays for urgent assignments or to indulge in office work even on off-days. Honda to Amaze India with its first diesel model Apart from considering a sports utility vehicle on its premium hatchback Jazz platform, using the same 1.5 litre engine that will power the entry level sedan Amaze, RampD officials of the company said they are also working on smaller diesel engines keeping in mind the Indian market. New ultraslim Fossil watches Rs 4,995 Fossil recently unveiled its latest collection of watches Georgia. Will Obamas moves HIT Indian IT sector Phaneesh Murthy, CEO, iGATE, is one of few businessmen who openly said Obamas re-election is not the best news for IT outsourcing industry. Indias credit drought might be here to stay India is finally waking up to the fact that its credit drought might be here to stay. Kingfisher turnaround plan likely this month-end Bankers and the senior management are expected to convene another meeting later this month. 3 Indians in Fortune 2018 biz people list The list has been topped by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos with Apple CEO Tim Cook coming in at the second place. Obama worst US president for outsourcing: Bhagwati Barack Obama is the worst US president as far as outsourcing is concerned, says Jagdish Bhagwati. Indias HIGHEST paid women executives Kavery Kalanithi of Sun TV Group has retained her position as countrys top paid business woman although her pay package declined to Rs 57 crore in 2018, according to Fortune magazine. US fiscal cliff wont impact Indian IT: Nasscom A fiscal cliff refers to the simultaneous expiry of tax breaks and the introduction of spending cuts. It takes 8 years savings to buy home in Mumbai, Delhi Hyderabad, Pune most affordable to rent and buy. 10 hottest property markets in the world Lets take a look at some of the major financial cities in the world. SPECIAL: Should you invest based on analysts calls Take note of aggressive ones, but dont base your investment decisions solely on these. Read on to know why. LPG mess: Will you get more subsidised cylinders The domestic LPG business in the country, which caters to 133 million households, has undergone a sea of reforms in the current financial year, helping the government check the burgeoning subsidy bill. Why Kejriwal calls NREGS a joke NREGS has no place in the scheme of things that Kejriwal prescribes for the nation in his book Swaraj. There is no AUSPICIOUS day for investing While some investors follow fundamental research and price charts to invest in stocks, there some who rely on planetary movements to invest. Here are some heuristics investors resort to and ways to avoid it. November 19, 2018 Can Vijay Mallya AFFORD his flamboyant lifestyle The famous tag of quotking of good timesquot, used equally for Mallya and his Kingfisher beer, has been punned mercilessly in newspaper headlines to highlight the trouble in his airline. PM concerned over trade imbalance with China India and China will be holding the second Strategic Economic Dialogue in Delhi later this month with an aim of enhancing business engagement between the two of the fastest growing economies, significantly at a time when the western world is facing crisis. Lessons from the HSBC money laundering MESS The many ways in which the fast-expanding bank got it wrong on money laundering. Renaults ANSWER to Marutis Ertiga Renault readies a practical and spacious people-carrier for a 2018 Auto Expo. Plan a budget holiday overseas Booking in groups and buying forex now will help reduce additional expenses. GDP: India and China to surpass G7 nations by 2025 While Chinas economy may very well outrace the combined euro zone by the end of this year, India is likely to jump over Japans economy, according to a latest report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Column: The TRUTH about Swiss bank accounts Getting a Swiss bank account is not an easy affair. Why is economy looking at government for help A quarter before, the gross domestic product grew just 5.3 per cent. United States set to become the new oil power Despite the reality of the fiscal cliff, the US declinism industry is beginning to bottom out now. SPECIAL: Is Dr Singh a victim of Indian politics Sonia Gandhi and the PM are not in conflict about aam-aadmi policy China needs to focus on social spending To aid global rebalancing, China needs to re-orient domestic policy to social spending. Global retail chains put off India plans International multi-brand retail chains have all pushed their India plans to 2018. Which European country has the highest GDP Find out There are some countries in Europe that are not doing that badly. November 18, 2018 Rupee worst performer globally during 1-month period Rupee has sharply fallen from 52.88 levels one month ago to 55.16 on Friday. November 17, 2018 Large-screen TVs fail to excite According to market sources, there has not been any real sale for most recent launches in the large screen category so far. SPECIAL: Is the worst really over for DLF The company will have 9 mn sq ft of property for sale in the second half of 2018-13, which is three times what it sold in the first half. Casino banking can put us in danger: Subbarao Recent financial crisis underscored the dangers of over-financialisation of the real economy. Most expensive shopping streets in the world There are some cities in the world that have really expensive shopping streets. November 16, 2018 Rajat Gupta should pay 15 million penalty: SEC The US government has asked a court in New York to slap a maximum penalty of 15 million on India-born fallen Wall Street titan Rajat Gupta and permanently bar him from serving as director of any publicly-traded firm for his quotterrible breach of trustquot by indulging in insider trading. How scamsters are DUPING job seekers With growing internet penetration and aspirations, theres a surge in the number of fraudsters issuing fake ads and decamping with the money. Stock Guru story can put caper films to SHAME To cover their tracks, they managed to take new identities in each new place to suit the local culture. They became the Zaveris in Gujarat, the Khatris in Uttar Pradesh and the Maheshwaris in Dehradun. BEST multinational workplaces in the world Creating a great workplace is challenging enough being in the top 25 of all multinationals around the globe is tougher still. Has the 2G spectrum auction really been a FAILURE Deconstructing the numbers shows companies have bid smartly to get the best deals. Incredible India goes for kill, but its not enough Almost a decade after its launch, the campaign has turned a new chapter. DEBATE: Is Haldia Mamata Banerjees Singur The fear of labour militancy will lead to further industrial flight, but Singurs electoral power came from farmers rights. Popularity of Indian stocks at 11-month LOW BofA-ML global fund manager study says investors 11 underweight on Indian stocks in November, down from about 5 in the previous month. Can Reliance Infra become the NEXT LampT The company has taken up significant projects but they are either delayed or the company plans to give them up. Conservative Chennai ready to splurge on luxury brands An estimated 1 lakh people in Chennai have assets over Rs 5 crore. Most profitable retail stores in the United States Lets take a look at some of the most profitable stores in the US. November 15, 2018 Petrol price reduced by 95 paise per litre Oil companies have cut petrol price by Rs 0.95 per litre with effect from midnight tonight. Govt to HANDHOLD stressed sectors: FM Chidambaram said that government will work out a strategy to assist industry segments reeling under the impact of economic slowdown. Asia still a bright aviation market despite slowdown While China continues to be the largest engine for growth in Asia, other parts of the region were also seeing significant increases in demand for travel with a fast-expanding middle class providing a brighter outlook for Asian carriers, the latest study by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines has said. Will Indians be better-off than Americans by 2060 Lets take a look at GDP per person in 2018 and 2060 around the world, including India. IMAGES: Two stunning electric cars from BMW One of them, i-3, is a city car that the company will start selling in 2018. The other, i-8, is an electric sports car that will be available in 2018. Mobile handset sales: Who are the toppers Despite a 3 per cent dip in global mobile phone sales to 428 million units in the third quarter, smartphone sales jumped a full 47 per cent, according data released by research firm Gartner. Fiscal cliff: Obama talks tough once again Emboldened by a victory at the hustings, Obama made it clear that the wealthiest Americans would have to pay higher taxes and tax breaks for middle class should stay. Indias IT sector faces tough times In its mid-year review, the software association Nasscom has revised its forecast for software and services exports (IT amp ITeS) for the current fiscal year of 2018-13 to 11 per cent, from the 11-14 per cent range indicated at the beginning of the year. Can Vikram Akula do a Jobs with SKS The storyline pretty much resembles that of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who was fired from the company in 1985. Can HUL take over LOreals hair care market share By targeting the salon-going consumer through Tresemme, Hindustan Unilever is taking its premiumisation agenda to the next level. STOCKS: Where should you put your money this Diwali As investors struggle to find quality stocks following the sharp rise in the benchmark indices, four brokerages give their picks. What does the new Samvat hold in store for markets At first glance, the last samvat the year as reckoned by the lunar calendar, from one Diwali to the next has seen decent gains for equity investors. November 14, 2018 Indias requests for web content removal rises Indicating a growing trend of the government surveillance of internet activities of people and organisations, India sought confidential web user details in as many as 2,319 cases from Google in the first six months of 2018. Sensex likely to touch 24,000-mark in Samvat 2069 Samvat 2069, which will run till next Diwali, is likely to see smart gains in the Indian benchmark indices with the Sensex likely to surpass 20,000-mark and trade in the range of 22,000-24,000 zone over the next one year, say experts. Global rating agencies are like restaurant critics Standard and Poors in its report on October 10 had said that there was one-in-three likelihood of rating downgrade for India in 24 months if the countrys economic growth prospects dim, its external position deteriorates, its potential climate worsens, or fiscal reforms slow. No salary: Kingfisher employees in a limbo Kingfisher Airline employees, who have not received their May salary despite an assurance from the airline management, are likely to chalk out an action plan next week, if they do not receive their dues by November 17. Bonded labour practice thriving in modern forms Practice has been outlawed but evolving structure ensures that it proliferates in modern forms. When public debt turns not only risky but toxic There are both similarities and differences between euro-zone public debt today and mortgage-backed securities in 2007. SPECIAL: Navin Jindals toughest hour A look into the controversies the 42-year-old chairman and managing director of Jindal Steel and Power has battled in the last six months. Tajs global ambitions: Much room for improvement Indian Hotels Company reported a 29 per cent increase in net loss in the first half of this year. Why India Inc will report LOWER earnings next quarter The government is the biggest consumer and investor in the economy. And once it starts cutting back on expenditure to bring down fiscal deficit, it will affect corporate earnings. Are legislative HURDLES over for FDI in retail The question is not whether FDI in multi-brand retail is desirable or not, but whether the rules of conducting business in Parliament need to be reviewed. For rich Indians, no pause button on spending Indians are indeed spending big on luxury cars, plush homes and taking more foreign trips than before. Gujarats growth model better than other states: CLSA Gujarat has a far better chance, according to analysis by research firm CLSA, of sustaining its high growth trajectory in the next few years as compared with competing states such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. November 13, 2018 Why having a clean credit history is important Even before the first salary is credited, there is an EMI to be paid. Where is regulators response to charges about HSBC Government has refused to acknowledge Arvind Kejriwals charges. Car segment to gain speed from Jan 2018 Segment has been rather sluggish due to high fuel and input costs coupled with high interest rates and negative market sentiments. Indias slide to irrelevance Regardless of recent reforms, international investors are still bearish on India. Audi Q3 and BMW X1: Lean, sharp and sophisticated Big Three German manufacturers have all decided to get into the lower end of the luxury market. Six WACKY gadgets for fun with family this Diwali This holiday, if you are torn between choosing a family gadget and a whacky one, there are many devices that promise to be both. How oil BOOM transformed this American state Thousands of people have flooded into North Dakota to work in the oil drilling industry. SpiceJet narrows net loss to Rs 163 cr Fuel costs, interest and lease rentals increased but an increase in other income (Rs 11 crore) and non-operating income (Rs 28 crore) helped the airline to boost revenue and contain losses. Tata Sons net dips on income Earnings primarily from dividends received from group firms and sale of shares. IT-BPO sector set to grow 11 in 2018-13: Nasscom Nasscom to set a committee to look for successor of Som Mittal. November 12, 2018 Market leader Colgate faces stiff challenges Dominant market leader has been adding new users every year, but there are stiff challenges ahead. Are shareholders, directors insensitive to graft Some civil societies are fighting to reform the system without any significant outcome so far. IMAGES: The stunning new B-Class Mercedes-Benz The new Mercedes-Benz B-Class is a luxury product that also provides comparative value for money. The rags to riches story of Leela Hotels founder Captain C P Krishnan Nair may be 90 but his energy and passion for work has not diminished a bit even now. The dark, silent DEATH of Indias energy capital The electricity that Singrauli produces to light up others homes has poisoned its people and the environment with mercury. CFOs expect growth to fall below 6 in FY14 Indias growth in 2018-14 would be less than six per cent. PIX: These 4 hatchbacks sport automatic transmission Recently Honda launched Brio AT, which was welcomed splendidly by the young auto-freaks in India. Economic freedom in 20 Indian states, Gujarat is No.1 Gujarat is Indias top state in terms of economic freedom, according to Economic Freedom Rankings of the States of India 2018. November 11, 2018 Afghanistan beckons Indian industry with red carpet Afghanistan is ripe and ready for more investments from India and offers a lot of opportunities. Hotels, airline tickets set to PINCH pockets Though prices of airline tickets have risen over the previous two quarters, this hasnt dampened customers spirits. MampM unlikely to go aggressive Mahindra amp Mahindra would not be an aggressive bidder to take over Aston Martin. Govt says acting on black-money holders list Kejriwal had alleged Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani, Naresh Goyal and some members of Dabur Groups Burman family had secret accounts in HSBC. FM to meet state CMs, banks to review credit flow Chidambaram will look at recovery issues with state govts, pending projects, and flow of credit to micro amp small enterprises, weaker sections and minority community. Sensex: Short-term bias seems negative The Sensex rallied to a high of 18,973 in mid-week trade, rising about 220 points from the previous weeks close. FMCG shows signs of a let-up with volumes slipping Second quarter numbers hint at a rocky road ahead with a slowdown in discretionary categories set to continue. November 10, 2018 Seven reasons to do SHOPPING online this Diwali Not just the product range, even discounts and returns policy are attractive. But there are pitfalls. November 09, 2018 Biggest deals in India: Diageo-United Spirits tops UK-based Diageos acquisition of 53.4 per cent stake in Vijay Mallya-led United Spirits for Rs 11,166.5 crore (2 billion) could be the biggest inbound MampA deal so far this year. Once an export hub, Tirupur is today a ghost town A series of events brought South Indias largest garment export hub to its knees. Pre-paid cards: BEST for the festive season For all those who face a tough time choosing gifts, a pre-paid gift card is an excellent option. Fiscal consolidation: How REAL is it Despite earnest government statements, fiscal correction is still distant. Some cheer for Mallya: United Breweries profit rises United Breweries Ltd on Friday posted a net profit of Rs 34.2 crore (342 million) for the second quarter ended September 30, as against Rs 19.5 crore (195 million) in the year-ago period. Dont STIFLE outsourcing, India tells America US do not commit, but says outsourcing should create more jobs in both countries. US explores treaty to nail tax defaulters in India Through these engagements with more than 50 countries, the US is looking to implement information reporting and withholding tax provisions, commonly known as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. Why Rajat Guptas sentencing is balanced The 15-page judgment is amazingly lucid, elegant and balanced. Retail FDI game may not be over Spanner may have been thrown in the government works on foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail. COMPLAINTS: Which bank tops the list State-run banks accounted for nearly two-third of the customer complaints received during the last financial year, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Thursday said in its report on trend and progress of banking in the country. How SLUM dwellers contribute to Bangalores economy A study has found that the poor households earned a total of Rs 1,545 cr, spent a total of Rs 1,185 cr, and contributed a savings of Rs 360 cr to the city in 2018. How China plans to REVIVE its sluggish economy Chinese President Hu Jintao on Thursday promised speeding of political reforms and the creation of a new growth model to revive the countrys sluggish economy and doubling the GDP by 2020, as he opened the historic Communist Party Congress that will see a change of guard at the top. November 08, 2018 HSBC pegs FY14 GDP at 6.9 on reform push HSBC on Thursday said the Indian economy, which is projected to grow at 5.7 per cent this fiscal, is likely to grow at a faster pace next fiscal at 6.9 per centfollowing the recent spate of policy reforms. Telecom industry needs to hike call rates: Airtel Telecom market leader Bharti Airtel on Thursday said the industry will need to raise tariffs as margins of operators are getting hurt at the current rate but ruleditself out to be the first to take the step. IT sector CHEERS Obama re-election Industry players, analysts and Nasscom do not see any negative implication on the industry. How Obamas VICTORY will affect Indian stock markets On the day Obama won, Indian markets reacted positively even IT stocks gained. Will the trend continue Why Tatas want to acquire Orient-Express It will expand their footprint radically, give them a huge presence at the top end of the market, and reduce their dependence on India. CHALLENGES Nestle faces in India Nandu NandKishore, executive vice-president Nestle S. A. discusses the challenges the company faces in India and future plans for the country. 95 companies using stock market to fund terror Home Ministers statement regarding the investment of terrorist funds in the stock market is yet another wake up call. Commodity prices RISE on Obamas victory Barack Obamas re-election as the President of the United States has proved favourable for commodities markets amid hope that the recently announced third round of quantitative easing (QE3) for brining liquidity into the financial system would continue in future as well. IIT fee rise: Too little, too late Some say its overdue and the fee is far less than institutions elsewhere others argue it would burden students. Has gas pricing policy been MISHANDLED A market-determined price is the best option but the Constitution makes it clear that natural resources are a national asset. Cognizant widens its gap with Infosys Beats estimates with 22 per cent increase in net profit. New BMW 7 Series will be LAUNCHED in 2018 Sources said that BMW India is not going to upgrade its flagship 7 Series sedan in 2018. Skodas popularity a HUGE concern for Volkswagen India Volkswagen said that it will reposition Skoda brand in India, to align with its global practice. This means, the company wants to move Skoda brand down the pecking order and reduce price of the cars sold under the brand name. Countries with the BEST Internet speed in the world Global average connection speed once again saw a solid quarter-over-quarter increase, growing 13 per cent to reach 3.0 Mbps. November 07, 2018 Planning to buy a car Check out these 6 sedans Since the Indian market is flooded by innumerable cars, it is indeed a daunting task to choose the best from the lost. Indias most DEBT-ridden states Maharashtra has the highest debt among all states in India. Gold coins, bars, ETFs to outshine jewellery Demand for investment instruments is expected to be more than jewellery. What lies behind Chhabria-Mallya truce Kishore Chhabria and Vijay Mallya have called truce. What drove Mallya to the negotiating table What does it mean for Chhabria Though happy, India Inc worried about outsourcing quotOutsourcing is also a concern and I hope it will be addressed soon, quot Godrej Group Chairman Adi Godrej told reporters on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum on India in Gurgaon. Ponzi scheme again takes retail investors on a ride Regulatory confusion and delays in consumer courts mean the retail investor is on his own. Why Gupta is in jail other offenders SCOT-FREE Contrary to popular notions, US laws protect the truly rich and powerful Rajat Gupta, however, was an outsider. Obama win not best news for outsourcing industry Obama on Wednesday won a second term in office overcoming a stiff initial challenge from his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. A look at how land grab is happening near Mumbai Sprawling complexes along the Mumbai-Pune expressway and the Mumbai-Nashik highway are hard to miss. COLUMN: Why only street protest can rescue cities Indias cities are heading for a crisis that can derail all hopes of remaining on a high-growth path. November 06, 2018 COLUMN: Why we must welcome FDI in retail It is a myth that FDI in retail will kill at local kirana stores. If Manmohan Singhs new reform push is sabotaged, it may be time for radical solutions, like greater decentralisation. With MNCs in retail, farmers LOSE, consumers gain Weidlich said that India failed to take Ayurveda and Siddha medicines to the world market. The A to Z of Indias most controversial sector Familiarity with the alphabet is important to understand the language of the countrys most controversial sector. Invest in gold Prices dont matter Besides being an investment instrument, it is hedge against inflation and store of value. Focus on growth, beware of European headwinds: Basu Nation will not be immune to 2018-15 European banks debt obligations, says Kaushik Basu. Why is Rajat Gupta less equal than others If Gupta had given Raj Rajaratnam information that Goldman Sachs was going to get an investment from Warren Buffet (and suppose, if Rajaratnam had not sold an already long position in Goldman stock based on this material, non-public information), would this have amounted to a criminal offence on Guptas part FII share in top 100 firms at 6-yr HIGH Foreign institutional investors have raised their stakes in India Inc by acquiring close to two of every five equity shares held by the in the top 100 listed firms. Telecom firms HANG UP on CDMA spectrum Tata Teleservices Ltd has decided to pull out of the upcoming 2G spectrum auction, leaving no takers for spectrum in the CDMA 800-MHz band. This will deprive the government of around Rs 18,300 crore. Worlds top 20 investment hotspots: India at No.4 India has emerged as one of the top five investment destinations in the world. How to plan for HEALTH-related expenses You need to start much early considering costs have risen 40-70 in just five years. Should you HOLD on to a controversial companys stock Often, the stocks of companies mired in controversy continue to do well. What should you do Mukesh Ambani among the worlds 30 RICHEST Lets take a look at the 30 richest businesspeople. How Henry Morgan built an ICONIC car company What initially started off as a car garage and dealership later went on to become a full-fledged automobile manufacturer. November 05, 2018 Morgan Superdry: Is it BIKE or CAR You decide The Morgan 3 Wheeler is a riders car. It is in essence a motorcycle with an additional wheel. India to be among top 10 pharma markets globally by 2020 Experts believe that the industry has the potential to grow at an accelerated 15-20 per cent CAGR for the next 10 years to reach between 49 billion to 74 billion in 2020. How jobs will determine the US election The latest report, out Friday and the last before the final voting on November 6th, shows US economy added 171,000 jobs higher than the 125,000 expected. Indians get the taste of new Apple with iPhone 5 Apples latest smartphone, the iPhone 5, has made it to Indian markets 42 days after its US launch. Why Guptas sentencing SHOCKED Indian businessmen If Sebi had adjudicated Rajat Guptas case, he would have got off with a mild fine or probably the charges would have been dropped, not in spite, but because of his impeccable track record. Why Wipros business is under STRESS T K Kurien believes the company is on the right track. How to make your PORTFOLIO inflation-proof With the average WPI-based inflation at 7.5 and CPI-based one above 10, a bit of aggression is required to beat inflation. Four experts give their views. ICICI Bank starts cash back on home loan EMIs Now you can get cash back for paying the monthly instalment on your home loan. Buying electronic goods on EMIs doesnt make sense Check for hidden costs such as processing charges, especially for products below Rs 50,000. How I missed the bus: Nusli Wadia In this interview -- his first in over three years -- Wadia also talks about the road ahead for his group. Jet eyes bigger share of global passengers Jet Airways plans to increase capacity on international routes by reconfiguring existing aircraft and adding new ones. 17 companies that spend the MOST on research Some companies spend a lot on research and development to stay ahead in business. A look at economic destructions caused by hurricanes Superstorm Sandy is the latest hurricane to leave a trail of both human and economic devastation in the United States. November 03, 2018 Infosys shows early signs of RECOVERY Analysts divided, back Infosys on volumes while Wipro seems positive on macro environment. Mallya under Sebi lens for stake sale non-disclosure UBHL chairman sold 8.41 stake, but didnt disclose. November 02, 2018 DIGITISATION helps broadcasters, more than consumers Post digitisation, broadcasters will be able to cut down their revenue loss, and its the customer paying for set top box. Corporates to cut gift budget by 50 this Diwali Indian corporates will cut their budget for Diwali gifts by about 50 per cent this year due to high inflation and shrinking profit margins, a survey by industry body Assocham said. Orient Express posts profit, reviewing Tatas offer Swinging back into profit for the third-quarter with net earnings of about 18 million, luxury hotel chain operator Orient Express on Friday said it is consulting financial and legal advisors on the Tata groups takeover bid and will reply to the offer in due course of time. COLUMN: Why RBI should embrace speculation Indeed, the average volatility of the rupee since January (10.6 per cent, up substantially from 6.8 per cent in 2018) has been higher than that of the euro (9.5 per cent, down quite a bit from 11.4 per cent in 2018) -- the first time this has happened in at least 10 years. Countries with BEST financial infrastructure A report on countries with best financial system in the world based on seven parameters including - institutional environment, business environment, financial stability, banking financial services, non-banking financial services, financial markets, and financial access. Madi, Gauss, Flame: Years most sophisticated malware In 2018, the most significant of the cyber espionage incidents were related to the activity of Madi, Gauss and Flame malware. Lessons from Delhi Airport Metros crisis At one level, the ongoing tussle between the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) and the Anil Ambani-controlled Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt Ltd (DAMEPL) may confirm the misgivings of those who think public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a risky way of bridging the infrastructure gap. Wipro net up 24 to Rs 1,611 crore Total income from operations during the reporting quarter stood at 10,620.3, against Rs 9,064.5 crore in the July-September period of last fiscal, an increase of 17.16 per cent. Which nations received the HIGHEST FDI Foreign Direct Investment to Asia reached record heights in 2018, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) World Investment Report 2018. I almost felt the weight of India on my shoulders Vijay Govindarajan, a shy Harvard student who became one of Americas most respected professors, speaks to Arthur J Pais about turning the traditional outlook on innovation on its head. Images: He is the all-time RICHEST Indian Although the list spans 1,000 years, some aspects of wealth appear consistent throughout history there are no women on the list, only three members are alive today, and 14 of the top 25 are American. Two Indians among worlds best business professors Lets take a look at some of the best B-school professors in the world. No proposal to hike RIL gas price till 2018, says govt IAC activist Arvind Kejrival yesterday claimed that Jaipal Reddy was shunted out of petroleum ministry due to his opposition to gas price revision. November 01, 2018 Licences below market price in 2008 hurt telecom biz The industry was hit by the financial stress of 3G and 4G auctions in 2018. PM on why high FISCAL DEFICIT is a deterrent Conscious of the fact that the government was working against the political calendar, he called for a common understanding to work out mechanisms and remedial measures to tackle these critical deficiencies on a priority basis. Why the Delhi Airport Metro faces a CRISIS Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group firm says it is financially unviable. Dont BAN GM crop research regulate it The Supreme Courts decision to seek views of different stakeholders before considering a 10-year moratorium on field trials of genetically modified crops, as suggested by the technical committee it had appointed, is a welcome move. Honda Brio sedan REVEALED Honda is currently the only manufacturer in India to have a petrol-only product portfolio and one neednt be an industry expert to tell that its suicidal if it stays that way. Why yuan cannot replace dollar for intl trade It is against Chinas interest to shift away from dollar. Images: Worlds top 20 PROSPEROUS cities Cities are where human beings find satisfaction of basic needs and essential public goods. India falls in WEFs financial development index The break-up of Financial Development Index showed that India ranked 9th in non-banking financial services and capital markets tracked by the index, but the country lost out in terms of banking financial services standing at 45th place. India among the worlds BIGGEST exporters of RICE India is a major rice exporting country. Gautam Adani faces his TOUGHEST test ever Debt-ridden Adani Group struggles to overcome its biggest challenges. Column: Is GOLD losing its sheen Gold rally led by monetary support falters as problems over debt and economic growth resurface.

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